Monday 22 October 2018

2018 Contenders: Dancing With The Beast

Write me a good story song and you've got a fan for life. Nashville-based singer songwriter Gretchen Peters has just written 11, every one a perfect short story, full of character, detail, warmth and tragedy.

Take the elderly lady in the cocoon waiting for her Disappearing Act...

Or the 12 year old girl, desperate to protect her little sister in Wichita...

Or the weary prostitute struggling to make ends meet via freezing parking lots and seedy bars in Truckstop Angel... that one in particular will hit you in the heart.

Or how about the best mid-life crisis song (though late-life crisis might be a better description) you'll hear this week...?

There's a picture on the wall
We got married in the fall
Now I don't know those kids at all
There's a picture on the wall


  1. I must dig deeper into Gretchen Peters' catalogue. This is fabulous.

  2. Great song from a great album. I've been a fan of Gretchen Peters since "The Secret of Life" and "On a Bus to St. Cloud" still makes me cry. I was lucky enough to see her live a couple of years back and was dead chuffed when she posted my review of the gig on her website.

    At the risk of blowing my own trumpet, here's the link (which leads to another link)
