Monday 8 October 2018

2018 Contenders: I Can't Keep Checking My Phone

Look - it's a young person. I can't tell you how young Holiday Oscar is, since he's so young he doesn't even seem to have his own iffypedia page. Which means he's probably from the post-iffypedia generation, that's how young he is. He says he's 25 in the lyrics to the song below, and who am I to disbelieve someone from the post-iffypedia generation? If he's post-iffypedia, he probably only ever speaks the truth. Everything goes in cycles.

Grumpy middle-aged men like me who like to listen to lots of music made by grumpy middle-aged (and somewhat older) men (and women) don't listen to a lot of music made by 25 year olds, because the majority of it appears (to grumpy, middle aged ears) to have been "quantized, pitch corrected, and overly inspected" (or so says Henry Rollins) and doesn't feature a lot of real instruments... certainly not guitars, which, as has been discussed here previously, appear to be on the endangered species list these days.

Anyway, Holiday Oscar. I don't know much about him, and I'm not going to trawl the internet searching, but he appears to be young, from London, and likes to use guitars. Not in a heavy, indie-landfill, angry-young-man way either. No, in a really quite old-fashioned way. A little bit country, a little bit reggae. Timeless. That might be a better word than old-fashioned.

His lyrics though, are bang up to date. Refreshingly so, and with a sly wit that appeals to these grumpy old ears very much. He seems to be taking the piss out of his own generation. So obviously, I approve. If you like the tune below, I heartily recommend the EP of the same name...


  1. What a find! It is a long while since I've played every track of an artist on Spotify. I really enjoy when somebody comes up with something new on an old soundtrack and can make lyrics accessible at the same time.

  2. Holiday Oscar has a Boris Johnson T-shirt for sale on his website and I'm not sure if that's meant to be ironic. Nice wee song though...raised a smile on a dreich Monday afternoon.

    1. I would hope so. I mean, it MUST be, surely!

  3. Love the video especially. Honestly doesn't it make you wonder how the human race has survived this long. Must admit I do wonder how many kids will be listening to/watching this on their phones, though.

  4. Like C I loved the video (a bit of old Tomorrow's World in there too which I think most people watched just because it was in the slot before TOTP) - Great sound as well which you don't expect from a 25 year old any more. There surely has to be a backlash soon against the hold our phones have over us (I think it's kind of started). Even I find myself checking it constantly whereas a year or two again it purely used to reside in my handbag for when I was out of the house. Such a time stealer and not good for our health either if you watch the video - Falling down into a pub's cellar must have caused a fairly serious injury.
