Monday 29 October 2018

2018 Contenders: Tom Petty Karaoke

A week or so ago, Swiss Adam posted that J Mascis, lead singer of Dinosaur Jr, is about to release a new solo record. Curiously, the day before I read that, I'd heard the new song from Amy Rigby, Tom Petty Karaoke. Amy wrote the song after seeing the video below, which recently went viral, featuring Mascis singing Tom Petty's Don't Do Me Like That in a Massachusetts karaoke bar...

It's hardly the performance of his career, but that's not the point. As Amy Rigby points of in her song, there's a freedom here, a release, a complete lack of inhibition or rock star hutzpah that is gloriously refreshing. I reckon we could all use a little bit of Tom Petty karaoke every now and then...

I’m kind of empty tonight
Nothing feels right
Nothing feels right

I’m going out on my own
Can’t stay home
No I can’t stay home

When I ‘m holding the microphone
It’s like I’m holding on
To something that’s gone

When I sing I Won’t Back Down
I don’t feel down
Yeah I’m alright
And when I do Don’t Do Me Like That
Hey I’m back
Walking into the light
And when I’m bringing She Went Down Swingin
I ain’t just singing
I’m coming on
American Girl, take me outta this world

Tom Petty Karaoke isn't on the excellent new Amy Rigby album, The Old Guys (which I already wrote about here), but it is available for download from her bandcamp page... so why wouldn't you?

And I can hardly post all this without playing the song and paying respect to the great man who inspired it all, so here it is...

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