Saturday 6 October 2018

Saturday Snapshots #53

Welcome, Old Kings and Brand New Friends!

If you're having a Lost Weekend, allow me to play Mr. Malcontent and deliver No More Love Songs... just ten Saturday Snapshot clues to decipher: artist and title, please...

10. If you think this is The Man In Black, you probably need new spectacles.

9. Evergreen girl loses 50 Romans on a very short visit. (I'll be impressed if anyone gets this.)

8. Bubbly seaman.

7. How other people see us, for a very short time, on the up.

6. Juvenile offenders up before the judge... arrive late.

5. Spicy C needs a locksmith.

4. Abraham & Stewart get warm with missing astronauts and their fishy boss.

3. Aggressive women burn on hot days.

2. A 2 cm wok fights passionately.

1. Aussie adolescent waits for summer and won't give up.

Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken?

This is the last ever Saturday Snapshots!

Only kidding.

Answers tomorrow.


  1. 10. Johnny Nash - I Can See Clearly Now.

  2. 4. Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen - Hot Rod Lincoln (from one of my all time fave albums "Lost in the Ozone"!)

  3. For 9, from your clue I Googled "pine girl" and then realised to lose 50 Romans I'd better take the L off. So I tried pine gir instead which led me to Piney Gir who I've never heard of and know nothing about.

    1. Halfway there, but points for deduction.

    2. Going to take a punt on the song: Greetings, Salutations, Goodbye .

  4. 7:The guy on the far right looks like Sid Vicious.

    5: Brand New Key by Melanie

  5. No. 1 Bruce Springsteen

    Will have to come back to the song

  6. Thank you for this series Rol. First it makes fun and second my English thesaurus grows every week. So I try the competition:
    5 could be Melanie with Brand New Toy
    3 is Violent Femmes with Blister in the sun

    1. Welcome along, Walter, and well done for a first attempt.

  7. 6 Courteeners - What Took You So Long

  8. 2 Womack and Womack

    and the song is ... No idea

  9. All done...apart from the Bruce song. Regular readers of this blog should be able to work that out.

    1. The answer is literally staring you all in the face.

    2. It would pain me to get this right, I'm no fan of Brucie.... is it 'No Surrender'?

    3. Thank you, C. Sorry to cause you pain.

      The clue's at the top of the page, folks.

  10. Are helpful clues contained within your blog logo going to be a regular thing now, because I totally missed out on that yesterday.
