Tuesday 6 November 2018

Hot 100 #59

Last week, I said there were two obvious contenders for #59 in our countdown, and fortunately you all seemed to agree with me... although I was also reminded of a third which I should have remembered off the top of my head, pre-research.

There were some other fine suggestions too... over to you guys for those.

Lynchie wanted to add to his list of maudlin country songs, with John Anderson - 1959...

And Baby I'm yours
I'll love you always
I'm gonna stand by you until the end of time
Remember all of the good things
That we shared together
Love Betty,

You can never have too many maudlin country songs!

Martin offered the following...

And, maybe best of all, Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress by The Hollies, for the lyric:

She was a long cool woman in a black dress
Just a 5'9" beautiful 'n' tall
Just one look I was a bad mess
'Cause that long cool woman had it all

I'm no really sure that last one qualifies as a 59 song, if only because feet and inches aren't decimal, but I'll let it pass.

The Swede, after reprising Lynchie's earlier suggestion of Johnny Cash - One Piece At A Time, which features every number from 49 to 70 (as well as number 1!), offered Sir Fab Macca's ditty entitled Summer of '59 tucked away on an old b-side. Hardly Bryan Adams though, is it?

Alternatively he also had the glorious Jaki Liebezeit tribal racket that is Smoke (E.F.S. No. 59) by Can. Can't link to that though as the record company appear to have blocked it on youtube. Can I hazard a guess and say it's hardly Bryan Adams though too?

All of which brings us to this week's Top 3, and first Rigid Digit supplies us with a song I'm ashamed to say I forgot, because it's a classic...

As for the two I did remember, I've been torn over which one to choose because I love them both in different ways. And you guys were no help, as an equal number of you voted for each. In the end then, I went for the underdogs, meaning this became the runner-up...

Paul and Art had many fine moments, of which that was just one. The Gaslight Anthem though... well, I don't think they've ever bettered this belter from 2008...

58 next week. Nothing quite so obvious. What do you reckon?


  1. You had Blondie for 59 - you can have them again for 58 with 'I'm On E':
    I gave my car to a guy named Vinnie
    I feel like gassin' my feet
    They've totaled your bill and you skipped a beat
    I used to have a car of my own
    Twenty eight or fifty eight

  2. Mott The Hoopoe had a 5 week mention with Saturday Gigs.
    And they return again with
    Born Late 58

  3. Radiohead - Black Star
    "The troubled words of a troubled mind I try to understand what is eating you, I try to stay awake but its 58 hours since that I last slept with you"

  4. The joys of motoring from Madness - Driving In My Car
    "I drove along the A45, I had her up to 58"

  5. I suppose 586 by New Order isn't acceptable...

  6. Chicago - Poem 58 (live track from their debut album. A bit heavy on the guitar solo noodling side)

  7. And another - it had been bugging me - 'Carcass' by Siouxsie & The Banshees, of course!
    "Out of the frying pan
    And into the fire
    58th variety
    Out of the frying pan
    And into the fire
    Mother had her son for tea"

  8. C got there before me, so all I can offer is Ronsard '58 by Serge Gainsbourg.

  9. I was going to mention Radiohead as well.
