Wednesday 28 November 2018

My Top Ten Sing Songs

Sing something simple. Here's ten songs where singers tell us to sing. Lazy buggers: they want us to do our job for them. Or... maybe they just want to remind us how good it feels to sing sometimes.

Ten songs that celebrate singing. Go!

10. Mel Tillis - Come On & Sing

A recent discovery... from the distant past... by a country songwriter perhaps more famous for the songs he wrote than for singing them.

9. My Chemical Romance - Sing

A much-missed band. Well, by me, anyway.

8. Stylistics - Sing Baby Sing

A song celebrating the fact that the world is getting better every day...

Wait, come back!

7. Blur - Sing

From the soundtrack to Trainspotting.

6. Kevin Ayers - Sing A Song In The Morning

Kevin Ayers' backing band on this track is The Whole World. It's nice to have friends.

5. Travis - Sing

Travis at their most singalong.

If you can't handle that, you may prefer the Glen Campbell version. If I were Fran Healy, I'd consider my job done once Glen Campbell had recorded one of my songs.

4. Aretha Franklin - Sing It Again - Say It Again

Funky in the extreme - sounds like the theme to a 70's cop show with added Aretha.

3. Martin Rossiter - Sing It Loud

The other day, Martin (not Rossiter) was lamenting the fact that this Martin has only ever recorded one solo album. I couldn't agree more. This was a cracker. We demand more!

2. Morrissey - Sing Your Life

Could this be the happiest song Morrissey ever recorded?

Don't leave it all unsaid
Somewhere in the wasteland of your head, 
And make no mistake, my friend
Your pointless life will end

Well, maybe not...

But before you go
Can you look at the truth ?
You have a lovely singing voice
A lovely singing voice
And all of those
Who sing on-key
They stole the notion
From you and me
So, sing your life...

It always makes me happy though.

1. The Carpenters - Sing

Come on, it had to be, didn't it?

(What else were you expecting? REO Speedwagon?)

Sing to me in the comments, if you will...


  1. Love this. Blur, Travis, Rozzer and Mozzer - great start to the day!

    In this day and age, maybe we should start an e-petition, campaigning for more from Mr Rossiter? That's what everyone does these days, isn't it...?

    1. I'd still prefer to write him a letter.

  2. I can offer 'Sing', a 1967 slab of garage rock by the splendidly named Rationals.
    (Had to smile at Martin's comment. Blur, Travis, Rozzer and Mozzer sounds as if it should be an indie re-write of Trumpton's Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grubb!)

  3. Mel Tillis did a great duet with Glen Campbell called "Slow Nights" which is about a singer in a bar on a slow night - so vaguely connected to your list of sing songs.

    I'd offer "Sing Me Back Home" by Merle Haggard to add to your list. A song about a prisoner asking for a song to be sung as he goes to be executed (tears tae a glass eye stuff!)

    And I'm delighted to see a Kevin Ayers song on your list. Everyone should own a copy of his "Whatevershebringswesing" (there's that sing word again!) album.

    1. I think you mentioned that duet before and you're right, it's a winner. Good video too...

      ...although that's the only place I can find it. Can't find the actual track anywhere. I may have to take it off the radio (YouTube!) like we did in the good old days.

      I will check out that Kevin Ayers album. Haven't got any long players by him, justvthdnidd track I've picked up here and there.

    2. Two of the best tracks on "Whatevershebringswesing" are "Song from the Bottom of a Well" and the absolutely terrific "Stranger in Blue Suede Shoes" - both feature a pre-Tubular Bells Mike Oldfield on guitar.

      Apologies for repeating the Tillis/Campbell duet. Old age does not come alone.

      I'm not saying I recorded a copy of "Slow Nights" off the Interweb using one of my long time fave pieces of audio software (Total Recorder) as that would be illegal.

    3. No, I appreciated the reminder. I was looking into Mel Tillis recently (which is how I discovered the song above) and I was trying to remember the song you'd recommended but couldn't find the relevant quote.

      Oh, the Audacity of your final paragraph!

  4. Great selection, would maybe have added Sing Me Song by Marc Bolan (Electric Warrior) or Sing in Back by Moloko.

    1. Cheers, Jim, I'd settle forvthosecst #11 & 12.

    2. For those at... stupid keyboard.

  5. As expected I have the Carpenters and the Stylistics songs in my collection. Nice to see Karen at No 1 but I know you’re a fan too.
    What a treat to see Glen sing Sing! Quite poignant really - he is missed.
