Saturday 24 November 2018

Saturday Snapshots #60

I took a mystery and made you want it... it's time to turn Saturdays Upside Down again with some Snapshots. Identify ten artists and ten top tunes from the clues below, please. I know there Ain't No Mountain High Enough to stop you solving them all...

10. Nathaniel holds his own against the 7th rabbit house. Control.

9. Goes with Bella and Mad to see the sun, wireless.

8. Straightening the shelves, always in the same direction.

7. Uncaring sods go for a 42.195 kilometre run.

6. Where prayers are answered... could be 50% better.

5. Portable computer goes through customs without any trouble.

4. Enterprise on rocky foundations.

3. Fall singer becomes lunatic on the box.

2. Proustian detective agency from the 80s.

1. Where Richard met Judy... after you left.

I'm Coming Out again tomorrow morning to bring you the answers...


  1. 2. The Marcels - Blue Moon. (Cybil and Bruce!)

  2. 6. Amen Corner - If Paradise Is Half As Nice

  3. Lynchie has been an early bird and got all the ones I knew! Time to do a Cybil and Bruce and do some detective work.

  4. I guessed Donna Summer. Tricky this week

  5. 9 - Doona Summer - Is the song On The Radio?

  6. 9 Donna Summer - probably She works hard for her money

  7. 7 - Guessing either the song or the band has something to do with a Marathon

    1. You have got the title.

    2. No - Will leave it to someone else. It's not Rush.

  8. 5 - Guessing something about a laptop in there but really stuck this week.

  9. I'm expecting 8 & 10 to go... but maybe we need Martin. As for #1, you all need to think about different Richards and Bodies (not the obvious couple) and what might link them.

  10. Judies - not Bodies. Haven't yet worked out how to turn spell check off on my new phone.

  11. No. 1 is Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone.

  12. No 7 - did a little detective work and found a song called Marathon (thanks to Alyson) but some uncaring sods called Heartless Bastards. Never heard of them!
