Monday 10 December 2018

My Top 18 Albums of 2018 #14

As an early Christmas present, Santa is sending Ofsted to visit me tomorrow and for the rest of the week. Apologies therefore if this is brief. Besides, it doesn't seem like two minutes since I was last writing about this record...

14. Alejandro Escovedo - The Crossing

The treacherous journey of a Mexican immigrant into Trump's America told through an impressive range of musical genres.

More here.

Next: E's are good.


  1. My mate Iain has this album in his top 20 2018 albums, so along with your recommendation, I'll have to check it out.

  2. Your recommendation worked, gave the album a listen this month. Have included in my top 15 albums of 2018(just published at my blog today). Something Blue reminds me a bit of Dylan.
