Wednesday 19 December 2018

My Top Ten Trump Songs 2018

Lest we forget, there is a dangerous, deluded psychopath in charge of the most powerful country in the world. And on top of that, Donald Trump's still the President of the USA. But while very few songwriters are expressing their concerns about Putin through lyrics, many have been getting very angry about Donald J. Here's ten of the best from 2018...

10. Nine Inch Nails - Shit Mirror

Apparently this is Trent Reznor's response to the man he called "a vulgar, grotesque dope" and  “a complete fucking moron”. Trent is angry. But isn't he always?

9. Barbra Streisand - Don't Lie To Me

From Trent Reznor to Barbra Streisand. Let's face it, if you managed to piss off both Trent & Babs, you must be an evil "genius".

8. Alejandro Escovedo - Rio Navidad

Based on an experience Escovedo had in the 80s when he encountered a racist Texas ranger at a wedding; the character in this song is also based on an Arizona sheriff accused of violating the rights of Latinos as part of his tyrannical immigration policy... a man latterly pardoned by the 47th President of the USA.

7. Superchunk - What A Time To Be Alive

There's a crooked line that runs
Through every crease in this map
And you want to take us all the way back

To see the rot in no disguise
Oh what a time to be alive
The scum, the shame, the fucking lies
Oh what a time to be alive

Good to have Superchunk back.

6. Holiday Oscar - Bad Dudes

What kind of special relationship's this?

Hey, Theresa... there's a lot of bad dudes out there!

5. Frank Turner - Make America Great Again

Up until this year, a new Frank Turner release had been pretty much guaranteed a place in my year end countdown. His latest album felt like he was trying too hard to be all things for all listeners, and there were times when his trademark optimism verged on naivety. Make America Great Again is a good example of that. Frank's heart is in the right place, but...

4. The Decemberists - Severed

I'll let Colin Meloy explain this one himself...

"Well, it’s inspired a little bit by the guy who’s currently in the White House. I think it was written initially during the campaign, before the election, just sort of exploring that tone of voice that he was taking. The character in the song, the first-person character, is a demagogue, absolutely, so it was an exploration of, “What is demagoguery, and where does it come from?” as we were seeing this very public figure express these kind of insane and incredible sentiments in public. Of course, I think the song took on a different life once he was actually elected. But yeah, it’s sort of an exploration of the voice of a demagogue, and so hopefully people will find it reviling. I can only hope."

3. John Grant - Smug C***

Just in case you're easily offended, I used asterisks. Then again, if I were really worried about causing offence, I'd probably need to write this post about D***** T****.

All the girls think you're a stud
Even though your hands are covered in blood
And they're turned on by your cover-ups
The highest compliment is being feared
I bet that you don't even think that's weird
You don't care who your deeds corrupt

2. Will Hoge - Gilded Walls

Well another group of kids in a high school, dead
But you're still at your golf course teein' off at nine
People marchin' in the streets tryin' to find a little peace
You sit around spoutin' more bullshit online
Oh and I don't believe in the devil
But you might make me go and change my mind
You could see this whole damn world get leveled
And not even lose track of time
Inside your gilded walls that shine

And that's not the only track on this album to take aim at the bloated POTUS. But more on that soon...

1. Karine Polwart - I Burn, But I Am Not Consumed

As previously discussed on my United Kingdom of Song feature, Donald Trump's mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, comes from the Isle of Lewis. Edinburgh's Karine Polwart has much to say about that on this exceptional talky song from her latest album...

Oh son of Lewis, lonely boy,
hewn from granite, salt and sky
upon a foreign shore:
the ocean is a mirror gleam
in which you see yourself,
and nothing more.
Your mother was a wee girl once,
who played upon my rocky shore.
And you, you are broken boy,
and you want more and more and more.
You build a tower. You build a wall,
You live in fear that they might fall.
You who see nothing but your face
in the sheen of The Hudson River.


  1. Karine Polwart has form with anti Trump songs
    Cover Your Eyes from her album Traces is about Trum buying the Mennie golf curse in Aberdeenshire and the associated environmental vandalism

  2. Another to add to your excellent list is Paul McCartney - Despite Repeated Warnings. My favorite track from Egypt Station.
