Saturday 1 December 2018

Saturday Snapshots #61

The Sun may Always Shine On TV... but Saturdays on the interweb are always sunnier with Snapshots.

Identify ten artists and ten top tunes from the clues below, please... Are you ready to Take On Me?

10. Tiny tots love sweets, short marsupials wager.

9. Frankly rubbish bench-pressing.

8. Calydonian queen & summer kebab chase Billy Joel's Number One.

7. Van Gogh's DNA tells us his favourite Genesis song.

6. Spinach for breakfast, broccoli for lunch and cabbage for tea will make you go mental.

5. Dame loses id est listening to Kate Bush song twice; needs sweets after that.

4. Timely hedge warden is proven wrong as winter arrives.

3. A glum liar ran off with James Dean Bradfield.

2. Wogan will help with your puncture, but only in the summer.

1. Neil Armstrong brings home the bacon.

If you've been Hunting High & Low for the answers... don't despair, they'll be here tomorrow morning.


  1. #3 I'm fairly sure is Laura Marling

  2. 8 Althea and Donna Uptown Top Ranking

  3. and the song for #3 must be My Manic and I as James Dean Bradfield is in Manic Street Preachers

  4. 2 Terry Jacks -Seasons in the Sun

  5. 4 Justin Hayward - Forever Autumn

  6. 1 THE Police - Walking On The Moon

  7. 7 - The Gene Vincent song is Say Mama

  8. Missed out on today’s fun but would have got eight of them I think - Other weeks I’m stumped. Always next week (if Rol isn’t too busy of course).
