Saturday 29 December 2018

Saturday Snapshots #64

Welcome To The Jungle that is Saturday Snapshots. Please identify the ten top tunes and their performers from the clues below. Have Patience. Don't Cry. It's So Easy!

10. Dearest greetings.

9. Save me from Netball Sofas!

8. Search or arrest? Damn fine...

7. Play cards with the French? Oui, monsieur, but I'd rather dance.

6. Voodoo lady owns a bloody skeleton.

5. When you're cleaning up after the tennis, and there's nowt worth listening to on the wireless.

4. Scared of when Prince cries?

3. Neverending pangs land kilograms.

2. Danielle loves Clark Kent.

    Danielle loves Clark Kent.

1. Mike...pops? Get aircon or call the fire brigade! No exit.

Answers tomorrow morning, Sweet Child O' Mine...