Thursday 17 January 2019

Results Day

Unlike the main August GCSE results day, today probably won't be mentioned much in the news... but thousands of students across the country will be collecting their GCSE English & Maths results today having taken the November resits. I predominantly teach adult learners and we don't normally enter them for the November exams (unless they failed last summer), but this year we tried an experiment of entering everybody. Many adults haven't sat a proper exam since they were in school and requested a "trial run" to better prepare them for the real thing in June. Of course, the November exams are genuine exams, so if they've passed they can complete the course today... but I honestly expected only a handful of them to do so after only six weeks of study in the lead up to November.

A third of my adult learners will be collecting a Grade 4 (or higher) pass at GCSE English today.

It's not the ones who've done that in just 6 weeks that I'm really pleased about though. I have three other adult learners who have been trying... and trying... and trying for over two years now. They must have sat 4 or 5 exams, never quite getting the grade they needed. Those three will be all smiles this morning.

We celebrate the good days in this job. They don't come around very often.


  1. Lovely to read of the rewarding side of what you do, and you were the vital component in their success. Congrats all round I say!

  2. Great news! An uplifting story in a week which really needs one.

  3. Such great news - well done to the students and their teacher.

  4. Thanks, guys. It's not often I have good news on the work front, so I thought I better share it while I had.

  5. This one really lifts the spirit. Nicely done, Rol.
