Monday 11 February 2019

Monday's Long Song: Blue Remembered Hills

I thought I'd jump on Drew's bandwagon this week and have a go at selecting a Long Song to ease us into Monday... just as The Swede, Swiss Adam, Walter and others have also been doing.

Anyway, here's twenty minutes of Ultrasound from their 2016 album Real Britannia, a song that encompasses Mel C's tears, shorts and scuffs and beans for tea, Tiny's dad's nervous breakdown, cross-dressing, sex like you thought only Jarvis could write it, Noggin The Nog, Jimmy Saville's shit-stained covers, 70s nostalgia in the Luke Haines vein... and blue remembered hills.

All human life is here.


  1. Never heard that before Rol. I liked it, thanks for bringing Ultrasound to my attention, more investigation needed, me thinks

    1. They're a weird band in that they released one album at the tail end of Britpop, split up, then got back together 10+ years later and started recording again. They've only released 3 albums, but they're all worth a listen.

  2. I remember you recommended the song a couple of years back and I downloaded it then. Powerful stuff and good to see it finally on YouTube for all to listen!
