Thursday 7 February 2019

Radio Songs #53: The Ghost (Part 7)

October 29th.

Not the 31st. Not Halloween, but two days earlier.

Over the years, October 29th became notorious as the night when the ghost was most likely to make its presence known and really weird / scary thing were likely to happen.

It was October 29th when the studio ceiling collapsed (as described in an earlier post). In the days leading up to October 29th, the temperature in the studios dropped significantly and there was an increase in machinery going wild, turning itself on or off, volume going up and down and lights flashing or dimming as though there'd been a power surge.

Here's my notebook entry for October 29th, 1992.

"The ghost has appeared to us again and the infamous October 29th was no disappointment."

(What a pompous writer I was back then.)

"Apart from the fact that the phone lines went crazy, with lights flashing when nobody was actually calling and ringing in long, continuous bursts rather than normal ring rings (having turned themselves on from underneath the switchboard!), the real excitement happened after P. and I left for the night.

When staff arrived the following morning, two sections of ceiling in the corridor near the Engineering Room [that's the Racks Room I've previously written about] had collapsed due to a radiator on the floor above exploding. Various explanations followed, but the plumber called out couldn't really put his finger on why it had happened.

A few days before, the engineer had been working alone in the building when he heard what sounded like chains being dragged down the corridor. We all had a good laugh at him... until P. too found himself alone in the building and heard the same thing.

The same night, at the end of the evening, we shut up the record library, turned off the stereo and switched off the lights, then went out to the courtyard to open the shutters and get our cars out. When we came back in to set the alarm, the door to the library was still closed but the light was back on and the stereo had been turned onto gram with the volume up to full. No record on the turntable, so just a loud static hum."

The weird thing was, nothing ever happened on Halloween itself. Then again, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, they established that "real" ghosts hated Halloween and generally kept well away from any spooky activity on that night...


  1. The spookiness continues. Great stuff,

    Meanwhile, thanks to your posting that Dar Williams song, I discovered the best version of one of my all time favourite songs - Dave Alvin's "Border Radio". It's from his debut (1987) album called "Romeo's Escape", which I used to have on a cassette that got mangled. There's various acoustic/electric versions of the song but I think the original is best.

    It's a beautiful song and is on Youtube if anyone wants to listen:

    1. That's very nice. Reminds me of something... but it's something I like.

  2. As soon as I read that first line I thought of the Buffy episode "Halloween" (S2, Ep6) where Spike concurs that nothing spooky ever happens on the 31st as the real ghosts stay away - We were total Buffy geeks in this house and I've recently discovered that the contents of my mum's flat are pretty much worth nothing, but the Buffy library and collection of figurines sitting on our sideboard are worth a pretty penny - Who knew.

    But back to your ghost story - Like your diary entry. We laugh when we look back at the writing of our younger selves but nice to have. I think we have pretty much established that the building has ghosts and down to it's history as a (probably) highly dangerous mill. No health and safety in those days so many a poor soul probably came a cropper. Sounds as if something pretty awful must have happened on the 29th Oct in years gone by. Strange it's so close to Halloween though but just a coincidence.

    Apt song by an artist I only know through visiting this place.

  3. I like how you know the exact episode that happened in.

    1. I have a spreadsheet! Some great music in that show - Will have to share some more of it soon.
