Thursday 14 February 2019

Radio Songs #54: The Ghost (Part 8)

You will be glad to know that we're pretty much at the end of this particular tale. Other people who worked in the building at the same time as me, or even earlier, would be able to give you their own peculiar experiences... such as that of "Status Quo Sharon", a lady who answered the phones prior to me (I've only changed the Sharon part of her name) and reported finding an old lady sitting in the corner of the studio. Sharon stopped to ask her if she was all right or if she wanted a cup of tea or anything, but when she didn't get a reply, she went off to ask if anyone knew who the lady was... well, you can guess the rest.

In the end though, most of us started to take the ghost in our stride. We even gave it a name: Sidney. If weird things started happening, we'd shout out, "not tonight, Sidney!" I have a photograph of one of my colleagues standing in the studio with his arm out, as though putting it around someone's shoulders. We had the idea that when we got the photo developed, there might be a ghostly figure standing there... but of course, there wasn't.

Those of us who'd worked there awhile became accustomed to the electrical problems, the blurs of movement from the corner of your eye, the weird noises and drastic drops in temperature. It wasn't particularly pleasant if you were alone in the building (I remember the occasional Saturday night where at 2am, I'd sprint out of the building as fast as I could once the alarm was set, not wanting to stick around a second longer than I had to) but if other people were there, you just got on with it.

There was even the occasional practical joke played on those who were more easily spooked, the best of which was the station engineer who arrived really early one morning, entered the studio before the breakfast show presenter, hid under the on-air desk, waited patiently for the presenter to arrive... and then, during the first link... reached out and grabbed the unsuspecting DJ by the ankles.

"It's five past six, that was Culture Club, welcome to the.... Aaaaaaarrghh!"

Then one day, the bosses got the builders in to spruce up the downstairs offices. Corridors were moved, rooms were made bigger or smaller, new desks were built in Studio C and Studio B. For weeks there was dust and polythene sheets and exposed brickwork... and it was even colder than usual... but when all the work was done and the builders had gone, so had the ghost.

There was still the occasional sighting or shiver, but for most of us - certainly those of us who regularly worked nights and had become accustomed to the weirdness - it was almost as though the builders had driven Sidney out. As though the process of rearranging and rebuilding had changed the atmosphere or walled up that window to another dimension, however you might want to explain it.

Thinking back now, I do start to wonder... was it all just our imaginations? It's easy to ask that with 20 years' hindsight. But if you'd asked me back then, I'd have answered with no doubt in my mind. That place was haunted.


  1. Anyone who plays Culture Club at five past six in the morning deserves to have their ankles grabbed!

  2. Happy to hear Culture Club at any time of the day but I never see them pop up on any of the music blogs. Hmm...

    I do wonder if after the building work was done, all the loose wires, holes in the skirting boards and dodgy plumbing got fixed - Made the strange happenings less likely. But that's me being pragmatic - From everything you've written about in this series, it really does sound as if you had a ghost.

    I went to see a film last year called A Ghost Story - I wrote about it over at my place because we ended up having a fit of the giggles as the main character (the ghost) was just a guy draped in a sheet like in the picture above. Reminded us of Michael Myers in Halloween. Turns out the film was critically acclaimed and would have been quite interesting if we'd been able to stay, and not get kicked out - Perhaps worth looking out for as relevant to your tale.

    1. I think that photo above is from A Ghost Story. I watched it on TV and after the initial joke of it (which I knew about in advance anyway) I found it a hugely moving and extremely original movie. Particularly towards the end, it goes in a completely unexpected direction and one I'd not seen done before. And yes, it did make me think of my own haunting and see Sidney in a slightly different light.

    2. Aha - That's why I thought of it then. Don't recognise that scene so must have been from after the point we had to leave. I did some reading up about it afterwards and you are right, it was extremely original and moving so will have to seek it out and watch it properly. (We'd been to see Halloween on the big screen quite recently, which was unfortunate really.)

  3. I'm open to believing your ghost was as real as a ghost can be and didn't like all that building work going on and disrupting his fun (can't blame him!) We sort of (well, possibly) had the reverse happen in the cottage next to ours when it was being heavily renovated. As far as we were aware nothing strange had happened in it until the work started...then I think it must have disturbed "someone".... On a few occasions at night when the house was definitely empty, we heard unexplained noises through the wall. Talking to the owner another day they said they went in one morning to find some new fittings in the bathroom had broken but they couldn't see how it could have had happened. It all calmed down again once the work was complete and it's been a few years now. Maybe they just didn't like all the banging and disruption for weeks on end (we didn't either!)

  4. I know we are going a little off topic talking about A Ghost Story, but this movie moved me in ways I never expected. I don't shed tears much while watching films (well that's not exactly true these days), but this one really got to me. The pace is a challenge, especially early on, but then it really sucks you in. I don't think I'll ever watch it again, but I'll never forget it either.

    1. Again, I feel really bad for having behaved so badly - It was being shown the week I had given up my job of 30 years however, so a bit of nervous hysteria I think. Really need to revisit it soon.
