Saturday 9 February 2019

Saturday Snapshots #70

Step Right Up, Rain Dogs & Jersey Girls... Before you go Looking For The Heart of Saturday Night... take a little time to work out the Snapshots of Saturday morning. Solve the ten clues below to reveal artist and song title... easy this week, I reckon.

10. Dishonest types don't go home till Autumn.

9. Presidents of the USA (or Stranglers) get back together with the Tijuana Brass.

8. An 'O' Level in Religious Education won't make the truck go any faster... but it will make me adore you forever.

7. Shoes too big? I am ready and inclined to swap them.

6. Twice, again, take a different route home.

5. Dr. Rodent Dung has an epiphany.

4. So, Phoebe's brief history of time makes me want to sell my soul for a night of passion...

3. American cereal found in pubescent bin-liner.

2. Noisy Scottish dog hears a solitary goodbye.

1. Sob... boom! Here's your prize...

Tom Traubert's Blue because he can't work out all the clues? Don't worry, Tom, answers will arrive on a Swordfishtombone tomorrow morning.


  1. 10 Dodgy Staying out for the summer

  2. 8 REO Speedwagon - Keep on loving you

  3. I thought you were going for a clean sweep for a second, RD!

    1. First 3 - BANG!
      And then my brain slowed down

  4. 5 Todd Rundgren - I Saw The Light

  5. #7 Little Feat - Easy to slip

  6. #5 could be Todd Rundgren in his very early days with I saw the light

  7. The picture in 6 looks like Bis but probably isn't given the clue

  8. #2 is Jimmy Ruffin but I have no idea for the song. Maybe farewell is a lonely sound

  9. Which only leaves #4 to get!

  10. 4: Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover by Sophie B. Hawkins ?

  11. CC probably objects to #4 because I started a sentence with So...

  12. Well done, Chris - your answer appeared as I was typing my last comment.

    We're done!
