Monday 11 March 2019

Monday's Long Song: For Crying Out Loud

Usually when I offer a long song on a Monday, I get in a massive panic that Drew or The Swede or Walter or even Swiss Adam will have featured it before.

No worry of that this week.

I've written too often before about how I consider Jim Steinman the greatest EPIC songwriter in the history of pop. Nobody else turns it up to 11, breaks the knob off, then sets fire to the record player, like Jim does. Nobody else understands in quite the same way that pop music is both essential to our very being, and yet also utterly, utterly ludicrous. Nobody else has ever trod the line so cleverly between rip-your-heart out sincerity and... taking the piss like nobody's business.

But that's not why I'm posting this here today. Some days you just want to turn the music up in your car and scream out the lyrics of a song like this till your throat is hoarse... because it's the only therapy you can afford.

For crying out loud...


  1. You realise you're straying dangerously close to Alan Partridge territory here, don't you?

    1. Yes, but at least I'm not doing it while singing Cuddly Toy by Roachford.

      (Although there are days...)

  2. Guilty of singing in the car regularly. Best therapy there is.

    1. Plus it stops you swearing at other motorists so much.

  3. Epic overblown madness, but brilliantly epic overblown madness

  4. What Rigid Digit said. I believe I've told you this before - I don't think I've ever actually owned a copy of Bat Out of Hell, but I know the album so intimately that I could probably sing along to every single lyric with you.

    1. Home-taping is killing music, Swede. (Then again, I think Meat and Jim sold a few copies of Bat over the years despite your crimes.)

    2. I've never taped it either, believe it or not. It's just one of several albums I've heard so many times over the years that I might as well have shelled out for my own personal copy. In fact one of these days I probably will in the case of BOOH.

    3. You realise that could be a new series for your blog, don't you? I'm intrigued as to how you can have heard an entire album repeatedly without ever owning it (in the pre-streaming days, at least).

    4. One of the 'perils' (?) of working in a record shop I would suggest, Rol, having had similar experiences even in the few years I did!

    5. C got there before I could. See also 'No Parlez' by Paul Young, 'Diamond Life' by Sade, 'Eliminator' by ZZ Top, 'Private Dancer' by Tina Turner.......and many many more.
