Thursday 28 March 2019

Neverending Top Ten #2.2: Kylie's Crush

This is one of Sam's favourite songs at the moment.

He doesn't know who Kylie is.

He doesn't know what a BMX is.

I doubt he even knows what a crush is.

But he loves singing along to the chorus, happily unaware that the song was written by Gerard Love of Teenage Fanclub or that Kurt Cobain once said, "If I could be in any other band, it would be BMX Bandits".

When I first heard this song, I wondered if the band had actually ever met Kylie. The answer to that can be found here.

Anyway, the point is, you don't need to know any of this stuff to enjoy a good pop song. Sam doesn't - and he loves it.

1 comment:

  1. Duglus is a welcome sight on these pages. You have a while before needing to give this deep thought, but I wonder how far we can go nudging our kids in the "right direction" (our direction) musically speaking. I'm going to have something on the subject in the coming days.
