Friday 8 March 2019

The United Kingdom of Song #22: Ullapool

Back to Scotland this week, and the picturesque coastal village of Ullapool in the Highlands. With a population of only 1500 people, it's hardly surprising that I couldn't find any famous residents of Ullapool... although Sir Tim Rice owns a huge estate not far away.

Much more surprising was who I found name-dropping Ullapool in his lyrics...

Take it away, Boston-based Pixie-bloke Frank Black...

Though I am such a fool
If I can, I'll be driving to the end
Here I am in Ullapool, I haven't a plan
Just to turn me 'round again


  1. I spent a couple of summers working in a hotel in Ullapool when I was a student.
    It's a great place
    Does an annual Loopallu (Ullapool backwards!) music festival

  2. Suspect Frank may have played at it hence the reference

  3. It looks lovely. Until I saw CC's comment just now I wondered if Frank had simply consulted his Penguin Rhyming Dictionary for words rhyming with 'fool'.

  4. Love that photo. Was checking the map. That's way up there.

  5. The population escalates in the summer though and as CC said they have a great wee festival called Loopallu (has the same ring to it as that big one in America). Frank certainly sounds as if he has been there.

    My very first holiday with Mr WIAA was in Ullapool - His mum and dad towed their caravan across for us to use, and despite being fairly basic and low on home comforts, I still think of it as one of the best holidays I ever had.
