Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Introducing... The Memory Mixtape

You may have noticed that when I returned to blogging after my autumn break(down), I didn't restart Radio Songs, the series in which I told "memorable" stories from my radio "career". The main reason for this is that I'd just about passed the point at which radio was fun (the early years) and crossed over into a world of automated playlists, writing soul-destroying ad-copy for a living, and "Tim Allen". Although I've still got plenty of radio stories to tell - and I may tell them someday - I wanted to concentrate on happier memories for a while.

Hence this new feature, the Memory Mixtape. I want to write about my life (the interesting bits) before the memories get too blurry. And this is where I'll do that... accompanied by a tune that either reminds me of that time... or reminds me of the story because of its subject matter.

We'll start this properly tomorrow, but first... here's a song about memories by a very under-rated band.


  1. Looking forward to this. Top tune too.

  2. I'm with Martin and John - bring it on Rol.

  3. Yes, absolutely! Look forward too.
    I've been reading nothing but autobiographies lately and find they do make you think about the idea of ensuring that the most interesting parts of our lives are 'recorded' somewhere.

  4. Great idea Rol. Go on - looking forward to this

  5. Embrace were sometimes referred to as "a second division Coldplay".
    Unfair - they weren't bad at all (although I don't own anything after album #4).

    Aah ... the Memorex Dbs90. Second only to the TDK D90 is cassette envy
