Sunday, 25 July 2021

Snapshots #199: A Top Ten Coloured Light Songs

You hardly needed to be Gandalf to solve yesterday's quiz...

10. ...little star.

Twinkle, twinkle!

9. A scandal, or distorted representation... mostly.

A travesty! Mostly...

8. We all need a little of it...

Tender loving care?

7. He went To Motor Vehicle Engineering Kollege.

ToM. V.E.K.

You come up with a clue for this guy!

6. Hey, hey, they're freezing!

Hey hey, they're the arctic monkees!

5. Where Long Johnny Cash might have recorded.

Long John Silver at Sun Studios?

4. Relatively pretty.

3. Bobby was blue when he heard Paul was going.

Bobby Vinton sang Blue Velvet. 

Paul Weller was going underground.

2. Club Pacific.

Billy club + Pacific Ocean.

1. Inert sex during hymns.


Next week... Snapshots #200! Don't miss it.