Friday 29 March 2013

My Top Ten Rabbit Songs

Ten Easter bunnies...

Special  mention to Frightened RabbitEcho & The Bunnymen, White Rabbits... and all the other White Rabbits already featured as part of my Top Ten Alice In Wonderland Songs.

10. Paul Westerberg - Mr. Rabbit

There's only one Paul Westerberg. Accept no Replacements.

9. Adam Ant -  Who's a Goofy Bunny?

From the new album, Adam Ant is the BlueBlack Hussar in Marrying the Gunners Daughter... apparently it's Adam's tribute to Malcolm McLaren.

8. Ray Moore - O, My Father Had A Rabbit

One of my first DJ heroes: the late Ray Moore. They don't make 'em like this anymore... 

7. Seth Lakeman - The White Hare

As I said above, if you're looking for White Rabbits, click the Alice In Wonderland link. Here's a white hare instead. Don't give me any grief about hares not being rabbits.

6. Sparks - Pulling Rabbits Out of a Hat

All they get is polite applause. There's no pleasing some people.

5. Unkle featuring Thom Yorke - Rabbit In Your Headlights
I'm a rabbit in your headlights
Christian suburbanite
Washed down the toilet
Money to burn

Fat bloody fingers are sucking your soul away...
 And you think you have problems getting to sleep at night. Imagine living in Thom Yorke's head.

4. Chas & Dave - Rabbit

Not the first time this has made it's way into one of my Top Tens... doubt it'll be the last.
Now, I don't mind having a chat...
But you have to keep giving it that.
My local Sainsbury's still doesn't sell rabbit.

3. Florence & The Machine - Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)

Yes, the kookiness is starting to grate and she's yet to record anything else quite as exciting as Kiss With A Fist... but when I read that "551 people disliked this video beacuse (sic) they saw her waring (sic) earring (sic) that looks (sic) like "illuminati" sign", I was impressed. Particularly that the youtube commenter knew how to spell Illuminati.

2. The Magnetic Fields - Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits

Stephin Merritt at his most playful, from the mighty 69 (Love Songs).

1. Jenny Lewis & The Watson Twins - Rabbit Fur Coat

 Just fantastic storytelling...
I was of poor folk
But my mother had a rabbit fur coat
And a girl of less character pushed her down the L.A. River
Hand over that rabbit fur coat

She put a knife to her throat
Hand over that rabbit fur coat
When my ma refused, the girl kicked dirt on her blouse
Stay away from my mansion house
 Listen to the song to hear the rest of the story.

What's up, doc?


  1. Marilyn Manson - "Are You the Rabbit?"

  2. Robbin Williams: you know me

    Jefferson airplane : white rabbit

    Panic at the disco : mad as rabbits

    I think I may be on a different theme here!

    1. See the aforementioned Alice In Wonderland Songs for Jefferson. Panic At The Disco actually came quite close, if only for naming their band after a Smiths song. I had to go watch the Robbie video to find out why you'd suggested that. It made me smile. I do like Robbie.

  3. ok, I am going really really old school here (40's I think), but for some reason I love Bud Flanagan's "Run Rabbit Run"

    1. Was that the original version? I'd have thought that might be Trad Arr.!

    2. according to Wikipedia (so it must be true), Run Rabbit Run is a song written by Noel Gay and Ralph Butler. The music was by Noel Gay and the song was originally sung by Flanagan and Allen.

      The other thing I like about the Wikipedia entry is that it states that during the war years, they changed the lyric to "Run, Adolf Run"
