Monday 3 June 2013

My Top Ten Glorious Songs

Not quite as glorious as my Top Ten Glory Songs... but what could be?

10. Go Kart Mozart - Glorious Chorus

Proof positive: you can make a glorious pop song in your bedroom. Lawrence has been making them for years.

9. Skunk Anansie - Glorious Pop Song

Any song with a chorus that repeats the line "You're still a fucker" gets my vote.

8. The Breeders - Glorious

This is what happens when Kim Deal finds herself on her own on Saturdays.

7. Everclear - Glorious

 Their song Wonderful is much more wonderful, but this one's still pretty glorious.

6. Emma Pollock - A Glorious Day

Only a ropey live version on youtube, but even that can't diminish the beauty of this song...

I'll ring Henry immediately... is a top opening line. 

5. Embrace - Glorious Day

Look, if you don't like Embrace, just bugger off, all right? ;-)

4. Andreas Johnson - Glorious

A perfect pop moment... whatever happened to Mr. Johnson?

3. The Pierces - Glorious

The Pierces confess to a serious Abba influence - especially in the video.

2. Eels - Wonderful, Glorious

Title track of the latest Eels album - another belter. E rules.

1. PJ Harvey - The Glorious Land

Best use of a bugle in a pop song ever?

Which is your most glorious pop song?


  1. Shouldve used levy's original and not pierces cover. It's much better

    1. Fair play, I didn't even know it was a cover. That said, I've just listened to the original and it's damned fine.

  2. A glorious list. Is it the only use of a bugle in a pop song? I once spent an evening with Skunk Anansie, and she gave me her phone number at the end. My one claim to fame. I never called. Yes, I know she's gay, so perhaps she was just being friendly.

    1. Perhaps she thought you were a lady?

      And the only other bugle I can think of is the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy From Company B. There must be others though.

  3. Marc Almond - Glorious. Amazed you missed it!

  4. "Gloria, GLORIA, always on the run now, running after somebody, GLORIA"

    ahhhhh, LOLz!

    1. Be patient. Everything comes to she who waits.
