Saturday, 11 August 2018

Saturday Snapshots #45

You Can Make Me Dance, Sing or Anything (Even Take the Dog for a Walk, Mend a Fuse, Fold Away the Ironing Board, or Any Other Domestic Shortcomings). But you cannot make me give away the answers to Saturday Snapshots.

Identify ten artists and ten top songs from the clues below, please.

I have Reason To Believe you will do me proud again this week...

10. Je t'aime a tiny city full of serial killers.

9. High ranking (southern) British martial artist and fishy western director request the pleasure of your company this evening.

8. My girl in Portugal is a honey.

7. After a couple of weeks sightseeing, kick off your shoes and hit the sofa.

6. Half a gross of Cale hunting a red mermaid.

5. Bet you felt a proper one before that fall. Smooch one of your crimefighting ladies to help you feel better.

4. Heroic cop loses his G-string across the channel.

3. Win a designer scullery!

2. Take pride in your centrefolds with pierced bellybuttons.

1. Part time docker and grainmaker has a laugh.

Answers tomorrow. If you're stuck, Maggie May be able to help you with the answers...


  1. No 9 - Hall & Oates - I’d really love to see you tonight

    1. Alyson!?! Really? I expected more of you...

  2. No 2 The Staple Singers

    On a train heading to Edinburgh and keep losing the signal so will leave the rest to the others. You knew I’d get Hall & Oates though, I’m sure!

    1. Of course not - I don’t know where that came from but been up since 5.30am - it’s of course England Dan and John Ford Coley

  3. No 7 is very relevant to why I’m going to Edinburgh - will post pictures.

  4. 7 Tourists - Good To Be Back Home Again

  5. 10 Minnie Fullerton - Loving You

    1. Close. Is Fuller a serial killer?

    2. 10. is Minnie Ripperton (Ripper was a killer!)

  6. A joint effort here from Mr SDS and me, we got up early especially ;-)
    1 - Steve Miller Band - The Joker
    6 - JJ72 - October Swimmer
    4 - Bobby Darin
    3 - is it Kitchens of Distinction?

  7. 4. Bobby Darin - Beyond the Sea (which was from a French song called "La Mer")

  8. Ripperton - yes.
    (Damn you auto carrot)

  9. 5. Charley Pride - "Kiss an Angel Good Mornin'"

  10. Damn FBCB just beat me to Chatley Pride!
    2 Staple Subgers - Respect Yourself

  11. 9 England Dan & John Foley - I'd Really Love To See You Tonight

  12. 8 (non cartoon form) Gorillaz.
    No idea on the song though

    1. Not Gorillaz. Different creatures.

    2. Bloke with the tea cosy on his head has a passing resemblance to Damon.
      But who is the mystery band ..

    3. Much smaller than Gorillaz.

    4. I would never have got this if it weren't for these extra clues and some detective work...
      So first I think the "much smaller than Gorillaz" 'creature' could be a bee, 'cause of the'honey' clue. And then I google translate 'my girl' to Portuguese because that might be something to do with it too, and it comes out as 'A minha menina'. Then ask myself (followed by asking Google) if there is a band called the Bees who have a song called 'A Minha Menina'....
      You do make us work hard, Rol!

    5. ... which I've just realised is an Os Mutantes cover too.

  13. The KoD song (3) must be Prize.
