Sunday 28 July 2019

Saturday Snapshot #94 - The Answers

I don't believe in Snapshots... I just believe in me.

Here's this week's answers. Thanks for playing. Well done to Lynchie for getting up first (and magnanimously leaving some for everybody else), and to Rigid Digit for hoovering up most of the others.

10. Bob the mailman has run out of numbers.

Congrats to Alyson for doing her homework.

Robert Post - Got None

9. Office worker with doll joins bandits at the station.

An office worker could be a clerk.

Guys & Dolls.

Guy Clark - Desperadoes Waiting For A Train

8. Predicting the fall of the opposite sex.

The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men

7. Old Blue Eyes meets Disney & White, following the end of everything.

Frank meets Walter Disney & Walter White... after all.

The Frank & Walters - After All

6. Johnny Marr's favourite chocolate bar gets a lift to lust.

Johnny likes an Aero to go with his Smiths.

Points to Ramone for going where others dare not tread!

Aerosmith - Love In An Elevator

Video of the week, if only for the first 20 seconds. They don't make 'em like that anymore.

5. Faustian lover becomes a Pickett, protesting sub-hairline sunburn.

Faust's lover was Gretchen.

Wilson Pickett.

Below your hairline (at the back, anyway) is your neck.

Gretchen Wilson - Redneck Woman

4. Kestrel genus swayed by wolf gang.

A kestrel is a falcon; scientific name: falco.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Falco - Rock Me, Amadeus

That never gets old.

3. He had 4: Joan, Margaret, Joan & Anne... but they're all a long, long time ago.

Joan, Margaret, Joan & Anne were the names of Shakespeare's sisters.

Shakespear's Sister - You're History

2. Overhead wires spark a half dozen warnings.

Jack White not pictured, as he only appears on this track.

Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage

1. Castaway cop looks for divine intervention over weeping sleepers.

Robinson Crusoe was a Castaway.

Smokey is a cop.

Divine intervention is a miracle.

Sleepers are what railway tracks are laid on.

Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. But Snapshots plans to be back next Saturday, unless life gets in the way.


  1. As ever, I shall remain magnanimous in victory. Hope the house move's still going well.

  2. Congrats to all, great clues as ever and hope you're doing okay with your house move, Rol.

  3. The clues were too tough for me this week! Guy Clark's debut LP is a classic. The Electric Six music video is weird yet unforgettable.
