Saturday, 8 October 2022

Saturday Snapshots #261

Beverly Hills Cop a load of this! It's only this week's Saturday Snapshots, coming to America (if Brian hasn't gone to bed yet) and the rest of the world NOW!

Identify the ten artists below, then work out what connects their songs...

10. Sneaky wet, sweaty Ken.

9. Found in cowpat ticks and enthusiasm, it hurts.

8. Grace, Gloria and Rickie Lee, perhaps.

7. 10th, twice, 50 years ago.

6. Hope for Thomas.

5. Saved from the noose.

4. Goes before sharks.

3. Lewis drives toward smelly, yet divine, comedian.

2. Giant steps are what he'll take...

1. Shaikh Wham, shaken. 

Warning: you don't have 48 Hours to solve this... just 24. Answers tomorrow morning!


  1. 8. The Jones Girls
    5. The Men They Couldn't Hang
    2. From the clue, either Sting or Neil Armstrong. I'm not familiar with Neil's recording career though

    1. Not Sting... although you're kind of on the right lines.

  2. Bit of a long shot, is 1 Hamish Whak?

  3. Is it daggers? Or bladed instruments?

  4. is 2 Michael Jackson (did he do some sort of moonwalk dance?)

  5. not from the clue, but it's that stupid hat at the back, is no. 4 Whitesnake? (They are certainly hairy enough to be the band)

  6. African countries. Nights over Egypt (Jones Girls), Mozambique (Bob), Liberian Girl (Jacko), Radio Ethiopia (Patti) etc

    1. Congratulations, Ernie!

    2. Well done, Ernie; I'd never have got that in a million years.

    3. he beat me to it!

  7. I know I’ve missed the theme by a country mile but I’m usually way too late for all the clues even by 10am ;-)

    Not today! You can’t guess how happy I am to say that 3) is Hamilton Bohannon.

    Tom Tom Club, I thank you.
