Tuesday 25 July 2023

Namesakes #44: The Beatles


You're kidding, right?

No. It's true. 

Turns out that John, Paul, George and Thomas The Tank Engine aren't the only act to have ever released music under the name "The Beatles". I'm not even counting alternate spellings like Beatless or Beetles. And none of these are tribute acts either. 

Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour...


Somewhat over-rated wags from Liverpool. Most famous for keeping Sir Thumbs Aloft off the streets until he had time to form Wings, and for inspiring the character of Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy.


In 1966, Philadelphia DJ, Jerry Blavat, aka "The Geator with the Heater" and "The Big Boss with the Hot Sauce" got a bunch of guys from two local bands together (the Ly-Dells and Quotations) and released this track as "The Beatles".  They also recorded as the Five Shits.

I'm still laughing at that last sentence two days after I copied it from discogs.

Just guessing now, but I think this will be George's favourite. And I don't mean George Harrison.


Found this on a Dead Headgehog Enterprises compilation released in 1980. Sadly, that's all I know about the band, but then I didn't look very hard. I'm sure Ernie will enlighten us. I'm just happy the track was available on the tube of you...


One from Bandcamp which also made me chuckle. From Atlanta, Georgia in 2017, this "experimental" track uses The Beatles name and a karaoke performance of Michael Jackson's Human Nature to produce... well, you be the judge. You can download the song for $420.69 if you like it. 

Which Beatles make you want to hold their hand... and which ones make you cry Help!?


  1. As it happens I am familiar with Dead Hedgehog Enterprises, which was mainly a vehicle for the works of one Paul Mex but also promoted other acts through the exciting medium of cassette. I used to have their 'Bouquet of Barbed Wire' and 'Another Thing For The Crypt' compilations but don't remember this one.

    Back in 1984 my bedroom band sent a demo to Mr Mex and he politely replied expressing an interest in featuring our hard-hitting satirical rock 'n roll pastiche "Do The Torvill And Dean" on a future cassette, but sadly nothing ever came of it.

    And obviously its #1 even though I agree with your prediction that the professional contrarian will opt for one of the others.

    1. Any chance you still have a copy of Do The Torvill & Dean?

    2. If you pop over to my place tomorrow you will have your answer.

      Obviously the answer is 'yes', otherwise that would be a complete waste of your time. You may feel that anyway once you've heard it.

  2. This PC is going for number 2.It sounds like how I would imagine the Modern Lovers would do Doo Wop

  3. I am reminded of the band that Wayne and Garth go to see early in Wayne's World: "The Shitty Beatles? Are they any good?" "They suck," says Tiny (Meatloaf). "So it's not just a clever name?"

  4. I could only stand 33 seconds of #4, which is 33 seconds more than I gave to #1. #2 are a poor version of Danny and The Juniors. #3 has a kazoo, and is endearingly amateur, so it gets my vote

    1. Well, you proved me wrong again...

    2. what else would you expect from a professional contrarian?

  5. Number one for me, just back from Thailand where we went to see the Bangkok Beatles (Tribute Band), best Beatles tribute band i have seen, amazing

    1. Presumably the did Thai Want To Hold Your Hand, etc etc
