Thursday 6 July 2023

Product Placement #17: Ocean Spray

I drink Ocean Spray every day. It's not cheap, but it's much tastier than the supermarket equivalents with their artificial sweeteners that leave a nasty after-taste. I enjoy the taste, but drink it mostly for my immune system, and because I read somewhere it's good for your prostate. Which is important when you get to my age. Still, I wouldn't have thought of featuring Ocean Spray here... until I remembered a really obvious tune. 

First though... I could hardly do a post about Ocean Spray without featuring these guys...

I had to reject all the songs that referenced the spray of the ocean, rather than the delicious cranberry drink. Although I wasn't sure about this one. I mean, The Beach Boys clearly spend a lot of time by the sea... but what's their beverage of choice?

In the shade
In the sun 
Ocean Spray

Wesley Willis, meanwhile appears to prefer a glass of Ocean Spray following slightly less relaxing pursuits... he is familiar with the brand's advertising strap-line though.

I murdered your family
I murdered your family
I murdered your family
I murdered your family

Rock over London
Rock on, Chicago
Ocean Spray - "Crave the wave!"

Speaking of advertising, clearly this dude was keen to pitch a campaign song...

I'm juiced up (I'm juiced up)
Ocean Spray (Ocean Spray)
I'm poured up (I'm poured up)
Let's drink some more today

Lots of rappers mention Ocean Spray as an alcoholic mixer. I drink it neat, myself, but please, do whatever you feel necessary, as it does help your health... and, apparently, your mood...

Goblins, vampyres, coming out to play
They be cutting the vodka with that Ocean Spray

If you don't like to drink cranberry juice, Howe Gelb has a suggestion that involves pouring it onto a mirror that you've placed under your hotel room door to let the maids know you don't want it cleaning today. I wouldn't have found this one by looking, it just popped up by coincidence on shuffle the other day... 

Anyway... here's the song that had me kicking myself for not featuring Ocean Spray sooner. This is the first Manic Street Preachers lyric written by James Dean Bradfield. It's also one of their most direct and moving songs, as it deals with his mum dying of cancer and his memories of visiting her in hospital...

Oh, please stay awake
And then we can drink 
Some Ocean Spray


  1. I genuinely love it when you know what the closing song is going to be, just from the post title. One of my favourite MSP tracks.

  2. I'm sure the actual lyrics to that Beach Boys song go:

    "In the shade
    Around the corner
    Chocolate's made"

    1. Don't be silly. Why would they make chocolate around the corner?

    2. Did the Beach Boys live in a village south west of Birmingham?
      Chocolate could be made round the corner if they did

    3. Or they could have been referring to this place, located just a few blocks from Manhattan Beach (the beach closest to their childhood home in Hawthorne CA):

    4. You know, you seriously had me believing that the lyric was a mondegreen. However, having listened to the song again, there is no mention of chocolate, so clearly you're just trying to make me think I'm going mad.

      Also, I checked out the link, and the "chocolate pieces" pictured at the top of the page look more like something I just bagged while walking the dog.

    5. Apologies for the confusion. I was quoting an old playground chant from my youth which a slip of a lad like you may not be familiar with. If you change the first line to "Milk Milk" you may be able to work out what is being referred to. Hint: the contents of the dog bag are relevant.

    6. My mind skirted past the innuendo, and I was really hoping Messrs Wilson, Love et Al hadn't gone there.

      (Spell correct changed my et al to et Al. For once, the AI gets it right!)
