Saturday 15 July 2023

Saturday Snapshots #301

As we press on into the three hundreds, I feel like a Newman this morning. Specifically, I feel like Paul Newman when he's been brutalised by Strother Martin's sadistic prison guards in Cool Hand Luke. Still. We press on regardless. 

Here are ten snapshots featuring popular musicians from the past 70 years. But what connects their tunes?

10. Big tents, like the moon.

9. Sounds like you're a bit foggy about that invoice.

8. Tweedy lady and man in desperate circumstances.

7. Where Ray Davies creates his Magnum. 

6. And I might still wear it in the afternoon.

5. Or is it on D-Day?

4. Often bald.

3. A conk tingle.

2. Cotton-eyed in Cambridgeshire.

1. Singer found in comic hero.

What we've got here is a failure to communicate... but don't worry, it'll all be cleared up tomorrow morning.


  1. 8 Enmylou Harris &Mark Knopfler

  2. 1. Cher (hidden in the phrase)

  3. I think I might be on the right track with this...

    1. Well, it's nothing to do with trains, if that's what you're suggesting, C.

    2. Haha, I was indeed. It was just looking that way, This Train, Train Of Thought, Midnight Train, Train Leaves Here This Morning - would be quite something if they all had a train song too.

  4. Is it songs about characters from the Old West ?

  5. Replies
    1. You might be better thinking of relevant songs, then working out who sung them.
