Thursday 13 July 2023

TV On The Radio #13: Sale Of The Century

And now... from Norwich... it's the quiz of the week!

Where do I begin?

For a start, the theme tune is instantly recognisable, so clearly I watched this quiz show every week when I was too young to know better. I didn't remember the rules, so I looked them up. Contestants started with £10 and answered questions to boost their kitty - though they lost money for wrong answers. At various points in the show they were allowed to use their winnings to purchase the mediocre prizes that were on sale... so a brand new Mini Metro wouldn't really have cost you £140 back then.... would it?

The most memorable part of Sale of the Century (far more memorable than Nicholas Parsons and his "dolly birds") was that opening announcement... "Live from Norwich...!" I don't want to be mean to the people of Norwich (Alan Partridge does a good enough job of that), but it's hardly Las Vegas, is it? Nevertheless, the original UK version of SOTC (based on a US game show) ran from 1971 - 1983, so I guess it was a ratings winner. 

Pointless trivia time - the show was revived by Sky in the late 80s, featuring the TV debut of one Simon Cowell. He won £20 worth of cooking utensils. If only his 15 minutes had ended there.

Here are some songs that pay tribute to The Quiz Of The Week, starting with the band John Squire formed after quitting The Stone Roses...

We've got the Milai Massacre, E-type Jaguar
Barbie, Ken and Christy Brown
Anne Frank's Diary, DC's Library
A chunk of the Berlin wall

Sure you can find what you're after
We've got it all for sale today
Save all your change, come and play
20th century sale starts today

The word "Satellities" is clearly one that's ripe for inclusion in a future edition of Namesakes. It looks like it would be a very long edition, even by this blog's patience-testing standards. Here's one of the more recent contenders, with lead singer Johnny Vic performing live with a 16 piece choir at the Church of Saint Saviour in Hampstead.

It's the Sale of the Century everything must go
Heritage, history everything must go
It's the sale of the century everything must go
All pride and dignity, heritage, history
A once in a lifetime bargain

And here are the Futureheads, big fans of the 80s...

Don't cheapen yourself for the Sale of the Century
I didn't mean it
I've changed my mind

And here's Kevin and Lol...

If they auctioned my heart
On The Sale of the Century
Would it still be there
At the end of the show?
Would the Quizmaster man
Call it a booby prize
'Cause nobody wanted to know?

And here are some guys who need to BACK OFF THE MIC!

And here... and here... and here...

But there was only ever going to be one winner today, and I'm sure if Martin's here, he'll have guessed it immediately.

Take it away, Louise...

It's still you and the moment you met me
You said I was cheap, 
You were the Sale of the Century


  1. Of course I'm here! Here's Louise and the Sleeperblokes doing it live at Latitude, four years ago.

    That knight on horseback was in the lobby of the Anglia TV building in Norwich for years, don't know whether it's still there.

    1. I miss those old logo introductions before the programmes. Simpler, better times.

  2. So that's one headline Product Placement Friday and one headline TV On The Radio I've guessed correctly.
    I feel strangely proud of that ... will the streak continue?

  3. You might find this odd, but from thousands of miles away I have an intense fondness for Norwich because of the shows put on by Baz McHat at the Norwich Arts Centre In the ‘80s. Many of my favorite indie pop bands played at “Wilde Club” nights there, and I have built this up to be THE spot to be at that time. I even tried to get a hold of this guy to interview for my old blog back in the day... but failed. The Swede is the only one of our group who has ever even known what I was talking about. When he had his shop he used to sponsor bus trips to the Norwich Arts Centre. This comment sure spin out of control quickly. Sorry. I have never been there, but Norwich rules! - Brian
