Friday 21 July 2023

Words & Music #3: Divorce

Made you look!

No, I'm not getting a divorce. Louise and I aren't even married. Neither of us like a big fuss. And even if we were, she wouldn't divorce me. Too expensive. Far more likely to bump me off for the insurance money. So if I'm not here next week...

No, this post is called Divorce because that's the name of a new band I discovered. I don't know much about them other than that they're from Nottingham and that they continue the recent trend of female-fronted indie bands being far, far more interesting than their male-fronted counterparts. They've only released five singles so far, but they're all top notch, and they recently bunched four of them together on one wonderful EP. Describing their songs, they use phrases such as "juvenile arrogance", "sobering bitterness" and "a tiredness for this life in all its monotony and glass ceilings". And then, the clincher: "There is a humour at the core of this record, a need to not take it all too seriously."

That's more than enough to make me want a Divorce...


  1. Thanks for the tip-off. I'll definitely be checking them out.

  2. Interesting, worthy of further investigation methinks
    (and because I'm an old school duffer, if only it was available on CD rather than the new fangled download thingy)

  3. I’ve heard them a few times on old Radio 6 and yea, I reckon they’re pretty good too. Steve M
