Friday 4 August 2023

Guest Post Friday: Great Women

As I recover from our whistle-stop tour of The North, taking in Carlisle, the Lake District and That Edinburgh (of which, more anon), I shall take a moment to point you towards a guest post I wrote for SWC's always excellent No Badger Required blog. This month's theme is all about music's greatest females. Those of you who have been serving a lengthy sentence in the Top Ten Dungeon will hardly find my selection a surprise... indeed, I may have even recycled some of my previous plaudits, because if you can't plagiarise yourself, then who can you plagiarise? Anyway, you can read my offering here. Then add NBR to your blog roll if you haven't done so already, because it's never less than hugely entertaining and enlightening.

But before you click on the link, take a few minutes to enjoy some more musical ladies, bang up to date this time. They're called The Last Dinner Party, and I look forward to hearing a lot more from them...


  1. Like that Last Dinner Party track a lot. Great video too.

  2. The clip is great and the song is really growing on me. Hope you had a good trip.
