Wednesday 30 August 2023

Mid-Life Crisis Songs #101: Perfect Youth

Young people, eh? Who'd be one? Not in this day and age, that's for sure. One thing I can say about them though... they probably have more inspiration than I do right now. I mean, after 100 posts about middle-aged ennui, what's left to say?

Here's a song about the perfection of youth by a Canadian New Wave band called Pointed Sticks. What can I tell you about them? They got together in 1978, named their band after a line in a Monty Python sketch, released one album (this is the title track) on Stiff Records in 1980, split up the following year, got back together in the noughties, releasing a second album 28 years after the first. And they're still in the go. Because that's the law now. 

Even when they were youngsters though, Pointed Sticks realised that the perfection of youth was a fleeting thing...

Here comes the latest crowd
Oh, they're the kids with common view
They always look just so, they make you feel so old
Emotions running out of control
They have to act on intuition
And live fast for just one night and forget about tomorrow

I used to be just like them
It's the air of confidence
Of course the styles have changed since my day about two weeks ago
But no, I don't feel bitter
This is what must happen
I'll live with the realization while they fulfill their obligations

And I think that's perfect (perfect youth)
It only happens when you're young (perfect youth)
And if you're perfect (perfect youth)
There isn't any right or wrong (perfect youth)

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