Tuesday 15 August 2023

Namesakes #47: The Bushmen

While researching last week's post on artists called Bush, I was surprised by how many bands I found called The Bushmen. But are any of them any good? Let's see...


We'll start with this one, specially for Ernie. Discogs gives them a page, but is clear to stress "This artist does not refer to a specific group of named individuals (such as a band or musical group) but rather defines the collective term for an ethnic group living in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa." The San people of Southern Africa are one of the oldest surviving cultures on earth.

All the other Bushmen are just pretenders to the throne.


Our next Bushmen came from Cleveland, Ohio, releasing one single in 1965. They also recorded as War Babies and members would later form Euphoria.


Also in 1965, more garage rock from LA. I sometimes think that there was a band tuning up in every garage in America in the mid-60s.


Not just in America! Here's the occupants of an Italian garage in 1966 with their translated cover of Somebody Help Me.


New Wave Bushmen from the UK in 1985...


Funky 90s Bushmen with a vibe that reminds me of the Fun Lovin' Criminals...


French punk-power-pop from the late 90s. They released 3 albums, called The Day Blood Turns To Lard, Life Is Hard Then We Die and Watching Neighbours. Clearly by the time of the last one, middle-aged ennui had set in.

Which Bushmen are best? You decide...

1 comment:

  1. Number One for me, and not just because I am contractually obliged to say so. I didn't think any of the others were particularly interesting. Number Two starts off promisingly but doesn't really go anywhere.

    Can I put in a word for a sole Bushman and in particular his album "Nyah Man Chant": https://youtu.be/Q8cvMc8mlDs
