Monday 4 September 2023

Mid-Life Crisis Songs #102: Back To Work

As the summer fades into the distance (despite the forecast this week being better weather than we've had for the past six), I return to work today. Unlike many teachers, I no longer feel the old sense of dread about that, and that makes me even more thankful for my current role.

However... because there's always a but... last night, I received a group Whatsapp message from my line manager, welcoming us back to the fold and hoping we all had a good summer "with plenty of rest".

How can I be the only one of my colleagues going back to work feeling more exhausted than when we broke up back in July?

Every year about this time, I feel like listening to this song by Louis Eliot and Rialto...


  1. Hi Rol, hope it's not too painless a return. My own lack of dread coincided with disillusionment with the job, and a can't-be-arsed-with-this attitude for anything beyond delivering a lesson.

    1. "Not too painless", George? I hope you meant that the other way round!

      I recognise your feelings very well though, from my old job.

  2. I hope the day went smoothly for you Rol. Love that shot of the funicular!

    1. Not too bad, Swede, thank you. Funicular - that's the word I was trying to remember!

  3. Day 1 done. Not entirely painless.

    1. I hope it improves as the year goes on, Adam. Much as I always think of my former colleagues at The Bad Place at this time of year, my thoughts also go out to you. Take care.

  4. Good to read above that it wasn't too bad today, and so glad you no longer feel that old sense of dread. But, even without the specific seasonal demarcations you experience because of your job, I think there's an almost primal response we feel as Summer draws to a close: a vague sadness, a slight sense of impending doom. Or maybe that's just age.

    1. I think you're right, C... and the Rialto song, for me, captures that feeling very well.
