Saturday 23 September 2023

Saturday Snapshots #311

My wife called last night and reminded me to put together this week's Saturday Snapshots. Me, I'm a bit all over the place, but Mrs. Columbo, she's got a mind like a steel trap. She'd probably work out the identity of the ten artists below in no time at all, then figure out what connects their songs... me, I'm probably going to have to give it a little more consideration.

10. Leg, Suit, Dream.

9. Spider-Man's son?

8. Fair Lady who likes to smooch fish.

7. Frank n Barry, after a punch up.

6. You'll find them in Hell or Heaven. 

5. Two blogging pals get together in a Trojan Hymn.

4. Humbug, baloney, twaddle.

3. Sounds like Paul and Randy... but not the same.

2. Get into ya house, young lady.

1. Is he Basil's mate or similar to a buffalo?

Just one more thing... I'll be back here tomorrow morning with the answers...