Thursday 19 October 2023

Mid-Life Crisis Songs #103: When I Was A Young Man

If you look closely at the picture above, you might be able to make out a flock of geese flying south for the winter in V formation. My camera wasn't really up to capturing it, but whenever I see a migration such as this, I feel rather humbled. Kind of puts my daily commute into perspective, much as I like to grumble about it.

A number of my fellow bloggers have waxed lyrical about the latest long player by former Go-Between Robert Forster. 

Here's Walter...

And here's The Blogfather himself...

I've a feeling someone else has also sung its praises, but aging memory, etc. etc. Apologies if it was you.

Anyway, it's a great record. Deeply personal, largely dealing with his wife Karin's battle with ovarian cancer and how that affected them both, but the gentlemen above have covered this much better than I could.

The closing track is the one I keep coming back to though, as the perfect Mid-Life Crisis tune. It's about looking back on your life without regret, only contentment. That's what I'm trying for.


  1. If I was still making a year-end list, this album would be right up there. Good call. - Brian

    1. "If I was still making a year-end list..."

      Never say never, Brian!

  2. I love the photo. Nature humbles me all the time - the birds, the spiders, the trees, the worms, whatever: they're the ones who've got it right, we're just clumsy intruders. But hopefully clumsy intruders who can look back at life without regret too.

  3. It may have been me, Rol. I’ve kind of written around the album, not about it, a few times. You left a lovely comment when I posted a Dubhed Selection on RF’s birthday in June, which also featured When I Was A Young Man as the closing song. If I do an end of year best of, this album is definitely in there.

  4. I love the photo too. The gaggle of geese are like a crack in the clouds.
