Tuesday 17 October 2023

Namesakes #55: Survivor

Sometimes, the simplest task can take forever. All I wanted was an image that represented a survivor... all I got was page after page focussing on a reality TV show where they dump a bunch of idiots on a desert island and you can guess the rest.

Here are a bunch of bands called Survivor. But after you've listened to them all, which will be... y'know.


Der! Der der der! Der der der! Der der derrrrrrrrr!

That's all you need to know about this Survivor, right?

Wrong. Because I just discovered that founder member Jim Peterik used to be in The Ides of March, and was the lead singer on the excellent Vehicle

But besides that...

Der! Der der der! Der der der! Der der derrrrrrrrr!


The "der der derrr!" Survivor formed in Chicago in 1978. A couple of years earlier, in Shreveport, Louisiana, these guys started making a racket. They didn't get a record out until '79 though... which might account for why youtube describes them as "The Other Survivor".


Also in 1979, in Pennsylvania, Judy Thomas was hoping to get her record played on the airwaves. Presumably it didn't happen, as discogs have no record of the "forthcoming album" mentioned on the label.


Japanese indie band from 1996, with the only track they ever seem to have set down on wax, 撤離 (which translates as 'Withdrawal', apparently).


Umcha umcha umcha dance tune from the year 2000, featuring Tongy. You know. Good old Tongy.

Rather disappointed that I was able to find this on the tube of you, but couldn't find the British punk band called Survivor with their sole 1978 release Pastiche. Epic fail, as the hipsters no doubt say.

There were also plenty of bands called The Survivors, but I'm not about to go digging into those unless you ask me really nicely. Having listened to the Survivors above, which would you like to be washed up on a desert island with?


  1. 1 and 2 fairly blew away the cobwebs.
    None particularly stand out but if pushed I would go for 3 as the best of a mediocre bunch.

    1. Sometimes we all need our cobwebs blowing away.

  2. I quite like that Japanese Survivor track, musically if not vocally. But I guess it probably has to be 1, if only so I have an excuse to link to this.

    1. My computer won't let me play your link, Martin. Is it naughty?

  3. I was always told that if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all. So I'm saying nothing at all.

  4. Survisors 2 to 5 will have to be special if they are to outperfrom #1 (which is and always will be a great pop song). And Judas Preist tribute act #2 alas are not special

  5. #3 is so endearingly bad I find myself liking it. Survivor 4 got slightly interesting at 3 mins 40 seconds but that did not last long, tedium set in again at 4 mins 10. After 11 seconds I loathe #5. I am wondering if I will spend the remaining 6 mins 19 seconds wondering how to pronounce "tongy": is it "tunjee" or "tonjee", or maybe as it looks, "tongue-y", or "tohngy"? Just over 2 mins left.

    1. Once again, your devotion to duty is to be applauded, George.
