Saturday 11 November 2023

Saturday Snapshots #318

There are lots of things you may do with your time on a Saturday morning. You may listen to the radio. You may watch TV. You may watch Baywatch... I'm sure it's on somewhere. With all those options available to you, I appreciate you finding the time to play this little quiz.

Today's Titanic Task - trace the identities of the top ten top dogs below - then tell me how their songs may be connected...

10. Wearing thin.

9. Bright-eyed, yet still crazy.

8. This tortoise only goes backwards.

7. Buried inside enthusiasm, aphrodisiacs and amnesia.

6. From Sweden to a Home County.

5. Not your right hand man.

4. Came out of a belly.

3. When Joel met Simon.

2. Avoid by staying in the shallow end.

1. Roman Superman.

Watch out for the answers tomorrow morning.


  1. 5 The great Lefty Frizzell
    9 Simon &Garfunkel

  2. Morning! A flying visit but 2) is In Deep!

  3. 8. I so want there to be a band called Reverse Turtle; it would make my day.


  4. Are they all lifesavers? Not in the Baywatch sense necessarily

  5. 8. Is there by any chance a band named after the Roald Dahl book Esio Trot?

    And 6 is clearly Bjorn & Benny from Bedfordshire

    1. And yes to 8 but no to 6, unfortunately.
