Saturday 23 December 2023

Saturday Snapshots #324

A Swift one today as I imagine you'll all be busy with last minute shopping, wrapping, basting and pre-drinking. Who are the ten musical people below and what connects their songs?

10. Truck that took the late James Broad's indie power-pop band to gigs.

9. If we have a White Christmas, these ladies will have no problem getting around.

8. Go ahead, punk, make my day by giving me something that is helpful or beneficial.

7. Someone's sneaking round the corner. Could it be Mack...?

6. Befuddled by Fat Hell.

5. A body of representatives.

4. Award winning lady meets man of ash.

3. He made OK cameos.

2. Hard to make out who it is.

1. All these guys (and plenty more).

Answers tomorrow. I hope.


  1. 2. Badly Drawn Boy


  2. 4 Tim Wheeler with award winning lady but who is she?!

  3. 3. Sam Cooke (anangram)

  4. Think I've got the link and if I'm not mistaken they crop up in a poem we still read every Christmas Eve with DD, even though she's now 28!

    1. I might be wrong but is the link Santa's reindeer from The Night Before Christmas?

    2. I think I have it as well, but having been trounced by Alyson last week I'm not going to be coy this week. Reindeer?

    3. It was Badly Drawn Boy that was the inspiration. Not many songs about a Blitzen.

    4. Congrats! Alyson and Ernie - a force to be reckoned with.

  5. 8. Clint Boon? or Dirty Harry's Utility?

  6. 6. The Fall (that’s Brix Smith) - Brian

  7. 1. Not sure what to do with this one. Are they all Motown artists that made Christmas songs (about reindeer!)?
