Sunday 17 December 2023

Snapshots #323: A Top Twelve Small Town Songs

This is Karen Fairchild, from Alabama country group Little Big Town. I don't just throw this thing together, you know. I spend at least five minutes thinking about it.

Anyway, here are a bunch of small town songs... with very big tunes.

12. Chatty boss gets too close to the fire.

The chatty boss is a Talking Head. He's also a Byrne victim.

11. Self-confessed bitch.

Hey, I'm only quoting Meredith herself.

Meredith Brooks - My Little Town

10. Kept in an ample jar.


Pearl Jam - Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town

9. Cheering on the dregs of society.

Hurray For The Riff Raff - Small Town Heroes

8. Sounds like a bucket that needs more sun.

A pail that's too pale...

The Pale - Small Town

7. The king goes Bare.

King Charles meets Bobby Bare...

Bobby Charles - Small Town Talk

6. I'm only dancing, but I'd like to get to know you well.

5. Swell Maps' second.

The second album by indie darlings Swell Maps was called Jane From Occupied Europe. In 1990, a short-lived band from Salisbury took that as their own...

4. Sad chimes.

3. Charles Weedon Westover did a lot of running back in the day.

He was a Runaway. He chased after Runaround Sue (though Dion beat him to her). Then he came Runnin; On Back. And his real name was Charles Weedon Westover.

2. She was the only thing not on sale.

You could buy Everything But The Girl.

1. Formerly a middle-aged woman who likes to chase after younger men.

He used to be a Cougar.

John Mellencamp - Small Town


If you ask me, it's still too early for Christmas songs. But maybe next week...

Of course, this week's real Number One song should have been the one below. My brain wasn't working though, and all the searches I did for "Small Town" songs failed to remind me of the "Smalltown" songs. Rookie mistake.


  1. Excellent as ever, thanks Rol. Erm...I could've sworn I said David Byrne yesterday! ;-)
