Monday 8 January 2024

Celebrity Jukebox #119: David Soul

One of my earliest memories is staying up late on a Saturday night with my dad, squeezed into his red leather armchair with him, watching Starsky & Hutch on BBC1. 

Around the same time, weekday mornings before school, I'd listen to Terry Wogan on Radio 2, playing recent MOR hits like this...

And this...

And this...

I think it's fair to say that David Soul was a big part of my childhood. 

And now he's gone. What a way to start 2024. 

Here are some tracks in tribute, starting with one of the funkiest TV theme tunes ever...

Although you may also recall the theme to Season 1, by this gentleman...

Here's David himself again, playing the keyboards for Frank Sidebottom (alongside Paul Ryder of the Happy Mondays on guitar) in their "supergroup" cover of a famous tune by The Fall...

Next, a frequent contributor to this series...

Oh, Roll over
Let’s follow the zero car into the storm
Oh, roll over
I liked him better in his fictional form
Oh, roll over
He hit the curb and lost his motor control
Oh, roll over
Hopping the bonnet like he was David Soul

David Soul wasn't just Detective Kenneth Hutchinson though. He was also Ben Mears in Salem's Lot, a film that chilled many 80s youngsters, especially when the little vampire kid starts scratching on the window, wanting to be let in. And before all that, David even faced off against Dirty Harry in the 1973 Clint Eastwood movie Sudden Impact, a role which inspired this... the tune that sprang immediately to mind when I heard of his passing.

Rest in peace, David. I hope there's plenty of bonnets to roll over in Hutch heaven.


  1. Nicely put, Rol. RIP indeed.

  2. Lovely tribute Rol. In the era of only three television channels Starsky and Hutch was must watch telly. He ended up being at the top of the year-end chart for '77 with his MOR soft rock song Don't Give Up On Us, all down to his popularity as Hutch of course. Sad news as ever though.
