Friday 19 January 2024

Guest Post Friday: A Top Ten Touchy Songs

George is back, to save me having to think of anything to write today. Careful though, he's feeling a little touchy...

A couple of weeks ago, the nice chappie at 27leggies introduced us to the music of Howdy Glenn via a cover of a Willie Nelson song “Touch Me”.  If my memory serves me well, in the comments he then boasted of being a personal friend of Samantha Fox, much to Rol’s delight (who had reminded us of Ms Fox’s song of the same name). Which got me thinking of songs about touching (titter ye not, please), and also wondering why a blog called My Top Ten has had absolutely no Top Ten lists of songs about anything for many many months, if not years. Too much mucking about with photo thingies and artistes with the same name. 

(To be fair, the photo thingies are usually Top Tens, George, but I take your point.)

So, instead of me carping on about how awful are many of the tunes by the plethora of Coast-to-Coasts or Sleepers. I thought I had to carpe the diem and create my own Top Ten “touching” songs.  And it should go without saying that AC/DC are not and never would be anywhere this Top Ten (or indeed the Top Ten of anything).

First up, the  almost deep, almost mellifluous (on this track) voice of Jim Morrison:

Mr Morrison was not the only singer wanting to be fondled. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere’s Porter Wagoner with a touching tale.  As a bonus, you have the lyrics here, and what a joy they are.

George Jones could have made a great cover of that song. (I’ve just discovered that he has, but Porter’s version is better.)

Lots of country artistes are into their touching. And doing their own versions of Willie Nelson songs.  This is Buck Owens’ version of the song that inspired(??) this article:

No double entendres when it comes to any touching involving the Carter Family, of course:

Carl Butler has been touched, and not just by the majestic Pearl, but also by a higher power:

(And if anyone has a copy of Carl and Pearl Butler’s album Temptation Keeps Twisting Her Arms, PLEASE let me know.)

Southern soul touching now, from Paul Vann:

Emanuela Hutter of Swiss rockabilly group The Hillbilly Moon Explosion has a request:

And so do Mudhoney... 

And almost inevitably, here’s The Fall, where Mark E Smith expresses, amongst other things,  his inner Portuguese self by singing about public urination:

Saving the best until last, and no, not Genesis (Get A Grip) and obviously not that bloke from New Jersey...

(Which bloke from New Jersey, George? This one? Or this one? Surely you don't mean this one?)

1. The Soul Stirrers - Touch The Hem Of His Garment

So, no New Order, no Blondie. Or Diana Ross (a snippet of which I often warble to my partner).  But, it would be churlish not to include this: Ms Fox performing for a very appreciative group of middle aged Norwegians in 2010...

(My partner was in the same room as I typed all this up. Only ONE song did she sing along to.)

Thank you, as always, George. Your guest posts offer a brief reprieve from the torrent of nonsense that usually fills this space. You're always welcome here... as is anyone else who has nothing better to do with their time.


  1. Is this International George Day or something? The bloody man is everywhere. Shouldn't he be out there fending off the randy neighbouring goat that is attempting to have its wicked way with Anita?

    1. PS Is the woman in the video who appears before Ms Fox really called Lil' Baps or did I mishear? I won't make the obvious comparison.

    2. Said goat has been returned to his other harem. Anita remains pure.

  2. As Ernie pointed out he had been a busy boy.He's guesting at my place today as well!

  3. Just a different torrent of nonsense 🤣
