Wednesday 3 January 2024

New Year's Revolutions #2

Released in 1975, and based on a novella by acclaimed sci fi writer Harlan Ellison, A Boy And His Dog tells the story of an 18-year-old boy called Vic (played by pre-Miami Vice Don Johnson) scavenging throughout the wasteland of a post-apocalyptic USA with his telepathic dog, in search of food and sex. Vic is then captured by an underground society who want to use him to impregnate their women before they eat him. It's set in the year 2024. 

At least we'll have some decent tunes to listen to while all that's going on...

Meryl Streek (extra points for the name) describes himself as a "politically-outspoken Irish avant garde punk". All I know is he seems a rather angry chap.

Here's a single he released last year to "highlight the shit show housing crisis and reckless incompetent government in Ireland". It got quite a few spins in this house.

Another band who caught my attention purely through their choice of pun name are The Buddha Pests. Here's two minutes of pointless noise about going out and getting drunk. Something I haven't done in nearly a quarter of a century, but I still like to listen to songs about it.

Iffypedia tells me that "Hazel English (born Eleisha Caripis) is an Australian-American indie pop musician based in Oakland, California. She fronts a band of the same name." I'm rather taken with the lyrics to her most recent release...

You broke up with me at your friend's show
After you made me pay for your new phone 
Then you left me there at the diner
Where they filmed Reality Bites

You always made me watch the movies that you liked
And you never let me decide 
When I tried to show you my favourite 
Lou Reed song
You told me his voice is such a crime 

Sounds like a bit of a Don Johnson to me, Hazel. You're better off without him.


  1. Never mind all that, what happened to the telepathic dog?

    1. It got a better agent for its next film.
