Friday 5 January 2024

New Year's Revolutions #3

More musical offerings that have me excited about 2024...

CHATFIELD (their capitals, not mine) are from Sheffield. Apparently they recently reformed after a 7 years hiatus, and despite the fact that their lead singer looks like a rather nervous student teacher facing a Year 9 bottom set class on Monday morning, I'm rather taken with their new single. Then again, I like songs about collecting records.

Another band who appear to have broken their CAPS LOCK key are Liverpool's GONDOLAS. Their drummer looks about 12, but so do most policemen these days. 

We'll close today with another release from my biggest prediction for 2024. If these guys aren't huge by the end of the year, I'll listen to an entire U2 album while simultaneously watching Forrest Gump and eating a plate of mushy peas. That's how confident I am about The Last Dinner Party. Debut album out beginning of February. I've pre-ordered my copy already.

Bodies touching
On park benches
Stray dogs watching
It disgusts me now


  1. You're not a fan of mushy peas then?

    1. I will elaborate on Monday.

    2. Scrap that. Something more important came up. I'll get round to it at some point.
