Friday 26 January 2024

Product Placement #25: Weetabix

Hands up if you had your mum buy Weetabix just so you could get the free gifts?

I found a website that details all the free gifts given away inside a packet of Weetabix, from the 1930s to the present day. I remembered quite a few of them from the 70s and 80s. 

They don't have free gifts inside Weetabix anymore. Further evidence, if evidence were truly required, that life was so much better when we were kids. 

As discussed last week, I couldn't eat Weetabix with cold milk, so I had hot milk (which made them dissolve into a paste) and a large spoonful of Golden Syrup to make them palatable. Sam eats his with just cold milk, nothing else. He's a much healthier child than I was. 

Here are some songs that mention Weetabix, starting, of course, with Mark E. Smith...

Real ale, curry as well - sophisticate!
Spanish guitar doesn't get far
In computer teaching job
His dreamgirl sings adverts for the Weetabix
A fancied wit that's imitation of Rumpole of Bailey

The Seahorses were John Squire's band after he fell out with Ian Brown. I see John's working with Liam Gallagher these days. He obviously has a penchant for collaborating with Neanderthals.

Please, may I leave the table? I don't think that I'll be able
To swallow your family values again today
Because a giant squid, he stole my wife and kid
Full story and pix, ten pence off your Weetabix, yeah, yeah

Louise is gluten free. She has, on occasion, tried that dietary alternative to Weetabix. Although these guys don't recommend it...

I would rather die than eat gluten-free Weet-Bix!

For many people though, Weetabix are symbolic of the start of the day. This probably rings a bell for a few people...

Kids to school, waking up at 6
Half asleep and making baby bowls of Weetabix
Now dogs keep barking and the neighbours start shouting
And next thing I know my eyes closed, just despairing

At least Jilted John gets a bit longer in bed...

I got up at half past six
And had two Weetabix
And then I put my Parka on
And went into the street

For Lindisfarne's Alan Hull though, Weetabix is part of a much bigger breakfast...

Intimate breakfast scene: sausage, egg and beans
Weetabix, jam, lightly grilled brown ham

Greedy git. These days, I just have a coffee. And some of us are struggling with our budgets, Alan - take this dude, for instance...

I want to dine out in style but I'm bloody skint
I've got 27p and a Polo mint
And a natural aversion to another buttered Weetabix

While Poly Styrene appears to be a bit confused about what Weetabix are for...

My mind is like a plastic bag
That corresponds to all those ads
It sucks up all the rubbish
That is fed in through by ear
I eat Kleenex for breakfast
And use soft hygienic Weetabix
To dry my tears

My most important discovery today was that Goths like Weetabix too...

Tune into the horror
This is Dracula's daughter
There is a coffin and crucifix too
And then just after the struggle
With the good and the evil
There's a Weetabix advert to view

We end with the closing track from Robyn Hitchcock's debut solo album from 1981, Black Snake Diamond Röle. It's a Love song...

The gnomes are moving through the night
They sing and fiddle with delight
And we eat Weetabix and sing
About the joys that love can bring
Ah, ah, ah, ah - if they ever come...

Have you had yours?


  1. Tutant Meenage Neetle Teetles is one of those band names that probably seems like a great idea at first but then....

    1. I'm not sure I'd play them on my radio show, for exactly that reason.

  2. as children we could cram 3 weetabix into the bowl. Eaten wwith cold milk (and sugar - we were scottish children in the 1970s!!)

    1. Not three Shredded Wheat, George?

    2. Were they deep-fried Weetabix or is that just a baseless myth?

    3. I must have been some kind of Southern savage…with bigger bowls (steady now). My regular repast was 5 (five!) Weetabix, hot milk and a liberal covering of sugar.

      Loathed Shredded Wheat though. Reminded me of Bobby Charlton’s comb over and put me right off.

  3. Robyn still plays 'Love' every now and then, but I'm not certain he includes the Weetabix line these days. I'll pay closer attention next time and get back to you.
