Friday 2 February 2024

Idiomusic #2: Better Late Than Never

We're back with another idiom and some pop songs which appropriated it. This post was supposed to run yesterday, but...

See what I did there?

The album cover at the top of the page is from Eddie & The Hot Rods' 2004 comeback album, their first in 9 years, hence the title. Other than that, it appears to be business as usual. Hot Rods lead singer Barrie Masters sadly passed away in 2019... and if you're wondering about Eddie, he was just a shop dummy brought on stage in the early days, but they soon got tired of dragging him around...

Sadly, that album didn't have a title track. And because I reckon you've waited long enough for a song named after this week's idiom... here it is. Better l...

Sigh. Let's start with some Love...

Next up, York's finest.

Finest what, you ask? Monkey-faced Britpoppers, I answer.

Some Bangly Canadian power pop next...

You normally can't go wrong with a bit of Motown. The jury's still out on Bobby Breen though, who sounds to me like he's singing while gargling mouthwash...

Here are The Cover Girls, with a track from the soundtrack of the 1988 Eddie Murphy movie, Coming To America...

And purely because they've never appeared on this blog before, nor on my previous blog, meaning that I haven't given them even one mention in almost 18 years of blogging... ladies and gentlemen, I give you...

OK, enough of this MOR stuff... let's ROCK!

Some 60s pop from Down Under next, with a teen star who was qualified to teach ballet by the age of 14.

Still in Australia, here's some dream pop from the 90s...

In a similar stylee, here's a band Khayem introduced me to a while back...

Bang up to date now with some bouncy indie pop from Liverpool...

I've always got a bit of (lilac) time for Stephen Duffy... even though he's got today's idiom arse-backwards...

Country star Tanya Tucker was 13 when she had her first hit single in 1972... which makes her just over 20 when she released this belter in 1979... I dunno, she looks older on the album cover.

Pick of the bunch today comes from My Morning Jacket frontman Jim James. I always have time for a good two minute pop song - they're useful for filling up the last slot on a compilation CD...


  1. I lost interest in the Love song after 5 minutes and turned it off.

  2. Sorry not to comment earlier, but you know what they say...

    1. You can run a joke into the ground, you know...

  3. Great post, Rol, but I think we’re avoiding the fundamental question here, that is

    Better Late
    Than Never?

    My money’s on the latter, to be honest.
