Sunday 4 February 2024

Snapshots #330: A Top Ten Jeans Songs

Money talks, but it don't sing and dance, and it don't walk...

Here are ten songs with jeans on.

10. Good Lord!

That's Lord David Paul Nicholas Dundas, don't you know?

9. Found amid landlocked countries.

Found amid landlocked countries.

8. Assist this young lady, Zeus!

7. Assess the current season.

Marks out of 10 for this winter?

6. Caters for French Vikings of all sizes.

He'll Cook for the Normans, whether they're slim or fatboys.

5. Spent so long on the main road, he neglected his gateaux. 

He is a lineman of the county, and he drives the main road. While doing so, he may also be guilty of leaving his cake out in the rain.

4. Came last twice, but still made it to Number One.

The last letter is Z, but they still made it to the Top.

3. Turner, Trotter, Ridley.

Lana Turner, Derek 'Del Boy' Trotter and Daisey Ridley, who plays Rey in the rubbish 21st Century Stars Wars films (not the rubbish 90s Star Wars films).

2. I can see my house from up here!

1. Breaks an indie mold.

"An indie mold" was an anagram that needed breaking up, to make...

Neil Diamond - Forever In Blue Jeans

(Neil was on the fencing team at NYU.)

Snapshots will be back next Saturday, but you'll only be allowed in if you're smartly dressed. No jeans!


  1. Except, as JM pointed out yesterday, #10 is definitely Lord Snowdon. Getty Images says the photo you used was taken at a party hosted by Lord and Lady D:

    1. But apart from that, thank you very much Mr Rol

    2. Oh, very well. I'm not as familiar with the gentry as you guys clearly are. They all look the same to me. And I didn't want to use a picture of Dundas in his prime as I reckon half of you will still have his poster on your bedroom wall.

  2. Has anyone ever pictured Dundas and Snowden together?

    BTW yesterday was a fluke. Same Jeans is one of the few songs by The View that I like and by coincidence I was listening to Fatboy Slim’s Greatest Hits on Friday. Normal service will resume next week.
