Friday 8 March 2024

Coffee Break #2: Cheers!

Welcome back to my coffee shop. Grab a table, what can I get you...?

Oh, hang on, I think John asked for a song about drinking coffee in bed. I'm sure he must mean this one...

But just to broaden John's horizons a little, I thought I'd offer this one instead...

Squeeze appear to have stumbled into a Robert Palmer video there. Isn't it glorious? I'm also impressed that the subtitles tell me that "jazzy music plays" before the singing starts. I'm sure that'll make Messrs Tifford and Dilbrook's day. 

And if that wasn't enough for you, here's a couple of alternative takes on that song...

And: a dilemma for Martin, given his aversion to the cup of joy and his fondness for a certain Bangly lady...

Would you kick her out of bed for that, Martin? Or try to persuade her to switch to an alternative beverage...?

I'll leave you to ponder on that one. Meanwhile... What are we going to chat about today? 

How about cheering?

Why do I have such a problem with cheering?

One of the reasons I can't watch shows like Strictly or the X-Factor or any kind of talent-based performance TV is that I can't bear all the cheering. It sets my nerves on edge even when I hear it from the other room (which is where I'm usually consigned to when Louise and/or Sam is watching such fluffle). Particularly when I hear a cheering audience on a TV show, it all sounds so false. I picture some guy stood at the side of the stage holding up a "Cheer Now!" sign because the cheering never sounds sincere or spontaneous... it sounds like a performance in its own right.

It's the same thing at gigs. I've got no problem with applause - I'll stand up and clap with the best of them. But I never feel the urge to cheer... and I'd certainly never entertain the bastard son of the cheer: the whoop. But this does make me wonder... am I not enjoying the gig as much as the people who have to vocalise it in such fashion? Are their uncontrollable outbursts a sign that they're engaging with this experience on a much deeper level than I am? Is there something wrong with me?

And don't even start me on wolf whistles...!

We'll close with an appropriate tune from Titus Andronicus, which I'd like to point out, despite its title, is NOT a cover version of this...

...although that is up there as one of my all-time favourite theme tunes, from one of my all-time favourite TV shows. It makes me feel warm inside whenever I hear it. But this, while also being very good, has nothing to do with that...


  1. I once saw a band called Two Hoots anda Holler.Not your cup of coffee I suspect.

    1. I see what you did there. But went looking anyway. They do appear worthy of further investigation, despite the name.

  2. No dilemma at all. For Susanna, not only would I make her a coffee, I'd probably try to force a cup down myself.

    1. I'm resisting the urge to respond with any kind of innuendo.

  3. I'm with you on the false cheering 5 or 6 seconds into a performance - you can just see some guy holding up a card saying "Cheer NOW". Problem is once you've noticed it you can never go back to not noticing it.

    1. I can't even bear to listen to it from the other room.
