Tuesday 12 March 2024

Namesakes #76: The Audience

And you thought that the whole point of becoming a rock star was to get up on stage and feel the adulation of the crowd below you...?

Not always, it seems.

These guys would rather be in the audience!


We start with an Audience lacking the definite article, originating in that London back in 1969. They started out as a soul band called Lloyd Alexander Real Estate (no idea who Lloyd Alexander was - he certainly wasn't in the band) before getting a record deal and a residency at Ronnie Scott's nightclub as Audience. They drifted away from soul towards the pretensions of Art Rock, released four albums, and toured with Rod and the Faces, before it all fell apart at the end of '72. Vocalist Howard Werth was momentarily considered as a replacement for Jim Morrison in The Doors, while other band members went on to join Stackridge, The Nashville Teens and previous Namesakes, Hot Chocolate. 

Here they are at the height of their powers in 1971...


British post-punkers, verging on goths if you ask me, from 1982. The only tracks listed on discogs were on compilations, so I was surprised to find some audio...


The Audience for whom I have the most time arrived on the scene in 1996, differentiating themselves with a portmanteau name (or perhaps their space bar was broken). Lead singer Sophie Ellis Bextor was the daughter of former Blue Peter presenter Janet Green, and there were slight mumblings of nepotism from certain corners of the Britpop community. However, Theaudience were a far more interesting prospect than Menswear or The Ordinary Boys or any number of lesser Britpop lights, so stuff 'em all. 

Sophie went on to solo fame in the pop world, reinventing herself during lockdown with her Kitchen Disco performances. Her career got a further boost recently when her track Murder On The Dancefloor was featured in the soundtrack of controversial movie Saltburn... and as a result, you'll have a hell of a job finding a decent priced copy of Theaudience's sole album from 1998 right now. They were going for 10p a copy 6 months ago... such is the fickle world of pop.

Here's a song I knew I was going to love as soon as I saw the title...


From Santa Cruz in 1997 came another The Audience - or Das Audience - though they'd soon change their name to Vue, like the cinema chain. The song titles on their sole album sound promising... Doctor Huh, Painless Dentistry and Love A Doorframe - but I think they may have set the bar too high.


A Spanish Audience who got together in 2002 and may still be kicking around. Could be worthy of further investigation...


German indie types led by guitarist Sebastian Wild and singer Bernd Pflaum, active between 2005 and 2012.


New York power-poppers with an extra E from about a decade ago...


Finally, I want you to close your eyes and imagine you're in a particularly noisy video game arcade back in 2014...

Which Audience is deserving of your applause... and which would you boot out into the street?


  1. #1 and #7 for me this week I think

  2. #1 for me please. Some of their other tracks have extensive prog flute, always a good thing.

    1. That'll be George's vote sorted then!

  3. #3, of course. I also like #5, except I think it goes on a bit too long. #7 is alright. But I always liked #3, less for SEB but more so on other tracks because I think their guitarist was a bit in thrall of Mr Marr.

  4. Late to it today. ANd I can assure you that #1 will not be my choice

  5. #3 is obviously in the running because of the DS in the video despite the crappiness of the song. #4 is almost a good song, almost. #5, I think this could be the winner.........

  6. And it is certainly not #6 or #7, #8 is just bobbins. SO my vote is for #5

  7. Hello Rol, number 3 for me, i bought this on vinyl when it first came out after seeing it on The Chart Show, then bought the album, still like hearing it when it pops up on my iPod shuffle.

    Also Rol, i noticed on the Vinyl Villain blog you were looking for a song by Smile called Obvious, are you still looking for it ? I have this on vinyl and converted it to mp3 years ago so i now have it on my iPod / Laptop, if you would like to send you a file just let me know. Great pop song by the way, always liked it.

    1. Hey Jim... one of JC's other readers has promised to get it to me, but it's coming a rather circuitous route, so if you have the mp3 to hand, that would be great. I'm hoping to run Smile as next week's Namesakes.

      My email is rolhirst AT Gmail DOT com. Cheers.

  8. I like Sophie so it's #3 for me too. Also quite liked #2 but I seem to be alone with that one.

  9. I love theaudience album, a Britpop highlight. They recorded demos for a second which are out there somewhere, but they lacked departed songwriter Billy Reeves' biting wit.

  10. The debut from theaudience (Sophie Ellis Bextor et al) was, prior to all the hullaballoo, reissued in 2022 by Past Night From Glasgow. It's an expanded release across 2 x LPs, with all the b-sides from the singles also included.

    1. Yeah, I kept meaning to track this down, although I do probably own most of the tracks.
